Animal Chiropractor

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"Good news, everyone"
15+ Year Member
Oct 20, 2005
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I’ve seen parents take their kids to chiropractors and it’s basically validated my belief that they are dangerous charlatans. Does this count as animal abuse?

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As someone that does both, no it is not quackery. I went through school to be a DC and then decided I wanted to be a Vet. Ended up getting through school and then getting certified in all aspect of animal chiropractic. I use it all the time and it works.

That guy I don't know anything about other than what I have seen of him in tiktok. Several countries have no laws regarding treatment of animals with regards to chiropractic.
As someone that does both, no it is not quackery. I went through school to be a DC and then decided I wanted to be a Vet. Ended up getting through school and then getting certified in all aspect of animal chiropractic. I use it all the time and it works.

That guy I don't know anything about other than what I have seen of him in tiktok. Several countries have no laws regarding treatment of animals with regards to chiropractic.
The point remains that non-veterinarians shouldn't be doing this work at all.