Technology Anki speech-to-text

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7+ Year Member
Dec 2, 2013
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I like using Anki for making flash cards. I'm thinking about buying a headset microphone for my windows PC so that I can try to use speech-to-text in order to make flashcards quicker.

Do any of you know if this is possible to do with Anki? I've googled it but can't find a straight answer. It would really cut down on time it takes to make flashcards so I hope it can be done!


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I like using Anki for making flash cards. I'm thinking about buying a headset microphone for my windows PC so that I can try to use speech-to-text in order to make flashcards quicker.

Do any of you know if this is possible to do with Anki? I've googled it but can't find a straight answer. It would really cut down on time it takes to make flashcards so I hope it can be done!


Tried this for the exact same reason. Couldn't find an affordable solution. It seems that my dragon dictate software lost all ability to format text when I tried input directly into Anki, plus I can't afford the medical dictation form of dragon. I think your best bet is to use google docs to dictate using googles online dictation engine, then export as csv to your computer and import that file into Anki. So far, I have found google's dictation to support a pretty wide range of technical medical/science language, but it's far from perfect.

I aborted this idea after a while because it was too cumbersome to keep it up, and it pretty much limits you to dictating in your home.