Another blasted poll: Help me decide between Duke, Case, and Emory

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Which school?

  • Duke

    Votes: 71 69.6%
  • Case

    Votes: 15 14.7%
  • Emory

    Votes: 16 15.7%

  • Total voters


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15+ Year Member
Jan 16, 2005
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Alright, let me start by saying that I know these types of threads are annoying, and no one should base a significant portion of their decision on these types of threads.

But, anyways, I'm really struggling here. Let me give you some of my story. I live in the dirty south and would prefer to stay in Atlanta, or the South, due to a significant other working at the CDC. However, I came up short as a finalist for Emory's full ride scholly, and their financial aid package was, by far, the worst I have received (all loans). They all but promised to give the finalists decent merit aid but didn't live up to that. So, I'm still a little confused about that, and I can't help but think they don't really want me anymore.

I love Duke and everything about Duke except for having to live in Durham. I visited two days ago, and it was beautiful. However, I'm more of a big city kind of person. Then again, I think I want to go into academic medicine, and the prestige of Duke is top notch. Their curriculum is my favorite, but I don't have a good feel for their student body since I had a regional interview and missed second look. They gave me about $24k in need-based grants (which is great), but I don't know the prospects of getting that same amount for the remaining years.

I was ecstatic to get a full ride from Case and it is close to home for me. However, I don't think I want to leave the South before residency, and I've never been too keen on Cleveland. My sister goes there now, and there's the issue of following in her footsteps, which is not too appealing to me. I love P/F and have only heard great things about the people and curriculum there. I'm not one to let money ever be the deciding factor for me, but it is something to think about. I made the mistake of choosing an undergrad partially based on money and promised myself I would not do that again.

I know they're all great schools, and I feel blessed to be in this position. But, I was wondering what you all think. Thanks. :)

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Honestly, I'd go with Duke. They have an awesome curriculum and they gave you decent financial aid. I guess it just depends on whether you think a long distance relationship will work with your significant other and how important that relationship is to you. But seriously, paying full tuition for emory just seems ridiculous.
ramblinwreckie said:
Alright, let me start by saying that I know these types of threads are annoying, and no one should base a significant portion of their decision on these types of threads.

But, anyways, I'm really struggling here. Let me give you some of my story. I live in the dirty south and would prefer to stay in Atlanta, or the South, due to a significant other working at the CDC. However, I came up short as a finalist for Emory's full ride scholly, and their financial aid package was, by far, the worst I have received (all loans). They all but promised to give the finalists decent merit aid but didn't live up to that. So, I'm still a little confused about that, and I can't help but think they don't really want me anymore.

I love Duke and everything about Duke except for having to live in Durham. I visited two days ago, and it was beautiful. However, I'm more of a big city kind of person. Then again, I think I want to go into academic medicine, and the prestige of Duke is top notch. Their curriculum is my favorite, but I don't have a good feel for their student body since I had a regional interview and missed second look. They gave me about $24k in need-based grants (which is great), but I don't know the prospects of getting that same amount for the remaining years.

I was ecstatic to get a full ride from Case and it is close to home for me. However, I don't think I want to leave the South before residency, and I've never been too keen on Cleveland. My sister goes there now, and there's the issue of following in her footsteps, which is not too appealing to me. I love P/F and have only heard great things about the people and curriculum there. I'm not one to let money ever be the deciding factor for me, but it is something to think about. I made the mistake of choosing an undergrad partially based on money and promised myself I would not do that again.

I know they're all great schools, and I feel blessed to be in this position. But, I was wondering what you all think. Thanks. :)
Duke, because in 4 years, you'll be super happy with where you'll end up. the city is small, but u can live with it. and u won't be severly far from the CDC.
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tinkerbelle said:
Honestly, I'd go with Duke. They have an awesome curriculum and they gave you decent financial aid. I guess it just depends on whether you think a long distance relationship will work with your significant other and how important that relationship is to you. But seriously, paying full tuition for emory just seems ridiculous.

Thanks, tinkerbelle. It's incredibly important to me. She'll be applying to med school this time around, so there's a good chance she'll have to leave Atlanta anyways. And, the drive to Durham is about 5.5 hrs, which didn't seem too bad this weekend. I think there's still an outside chance of getting the full ride to emory. If any of the five that got it drops Emory, then they turn to the seven other finalists. I'm going to call them on Friday to see if there's any news.
I love this poll - it read like a "how much is this relationship worth". Anyway, if distance isn't an issue, I'd vote for Duke.
I voted for Case because I really thought the students and faculty were great. And the clinical exposure with a diverse patient population and rotations at the cleveland clinic is hard to beat. I, personally, did not get a good vibe from Duke, but I'm a New Yorker.

That said, I think the reputation factor does fall a bit on the side of Duke, and it sounds like your debt load won't be too horrible with the package they've offered.

(For the record I'm deciding between full ride at Case and lots of loans at Yale...will probably pick Yale.)

Good Luck!
ramblinwreckie said:
Thanks, tinkerbelle. It's incredibly important to me. She'll be applying to med school this time around, so there's a good chance she'll have to leave Atlanta anyways. And, the drive to Durham is about 5.5 hrs, which didn't seem too bad this weekend. I think there's still an outside chance of getting the full ride to emory. If any of the five that got it drops Emory, then they turn to the seven other finalists. I'm going to call them on Friday to see if there's any news.

Oh, well that's good news :) I hope you get the scholarship at Emory and don't have to worry about where to go anymore :luck:

But now that you bring up that your girlfriend will be applying, would you be happy passing up Duke just to find out that your girlfriend is moving far, far away after a year? Or can she transfer to a job in Durham?
Mitro said:
I love this poll - it read like a "how much is this relationship worth". Anyway, if distance isn't an issue, I'd vote for Duke.

Even if I choose Duke or Case, that wouldn't be the end of it. Things would definitely be much harder, but I'm not really concerned that this would kill the relationship. Then again, who knows what will happen.
tinkerbelle said:
But now that you bring up that your girlfriend will be applying, would you be happy passing up Duke just to find out that your girlfriend is moving far, far away after a year? Or can she transfer to a job in Durham?

Her best shot is MCG, which is even closer to Duke. Her family moved here from overseas, and she's really close to them (they live in Atlanta too and she's an only child). The job at the CDC is this program that only lasts one year. So, depending on how the application process goes for her, there's a good possibility I could get her to come to the research triangle for school or work.
ramblinwreckie said:
Her best shot is MCG, which is even closer to Duke. Her family moved here from overseas, and she's really close to them (they live in Atlanta too and she's an only child). The job at the CDC is this program that only lasts one year. So, depending on how the application process goes for her, there's a good possibility I could get her to come to the research triangle for school or work.

Why can't she apply to Duke? They seem to like people with research experience, even if their numbers are so-so. Is her CDC job not research-oriented?
tinkerbelle said:
Why can't she apply to Duke? They seem to like people with research experience, even if their numbers are so-so. Is her CDC job not research-oriented?

Oh, she'll definitely apply to Duke, and it would be awesome if she got in. She's going to be working in a lab at the CDC doing something with environmental contaminants, but she doesn't start for another month. So, I don't think she knows exactly what she'll be doing.
ramblinwreckie said:
I love Duke and everything about Duke except for having to live in Durham. I visited two days ago, and it was beautiful. However, I'm more of a big city kind of person. Then again, I think I want to go into academic medicine, and the prestige of Duke is top notch. Their curriculum is my favorite, but I don't have a good feel for their student body since I had a regional interview and missed second look. They gave me about $24k in need-based grants (which is great), but I don't know the prospects of getting that same amount for the remaining years.

Congrats on these great acceptances! As a current Duke student on financial aid, I can assure you that Duke remains VERY consistent throughout all 4 years with its grant generosity. Also, don't forget that the majority of students doing lab work during the 3rd year end up with sizeable scholarships, which will decrease your total indebtedness by $10-30k, on average. Plus, the Duke education is great, you get on the wards a year sooner, and the Duke name helps open doors for you. And don't worry about Durham too much...I'm a city person myself, and was worried about life in Durham at first, but now I love it and I'm planning on trying to stay here for residency! Free time is limited in med school, and I found myself relieved to be avoiding the annoyances of big city life, like traffic and the inability to have a car, by living in Durham. And there's a LOT more to do than most people think. It's really a pretty great place to live, which is one reason why the area is drawing so many people in. Another is that the cost of living is extraordinarily low, which makes living on a student budget a piece of cake.

Choose Duke! Okay...I guess I'm a little biased :D
I too am a little bias, except towards Emory. I am a current undergrad at the school and I love it. We have excellent faculty and the student body is nice as well. I know a few of the medical school students, and they too love Emory. Atlanta is a great city and I truly recommend Emory!
I'd personally go with Duke here. A 5.5 hour drive isn't that bad. Say you finish up classes at 1 or 2 on a Friday. You could be at your girlfriend's at dinnertime. It's when you start going over 6 that you run into problems.

Of course, I'd presume she'd be coming to visit you most of the time, since you have more responsibilities on the weekend, right?

I'd just find it tough to pass on the opportunities that Duke is going to offer you. If you want to go into academic medicine, honestly, can you really pass on Duke? That third year of research? Their reputation? match? I mean, the money is good, and if all you have is a dislike for Durham, I have to ask if you took a short little jaunt over to Chapel Hill? It's not Atlanta, but it's a fun little town.

I do think you'd have more problems with the relationship at Case. I mean, it can be done, particularly if you all have money to throw around on plane tickets (it's really too far to drive). Given the financial wherewithall of most med students, however, I'm guessing that money will be an issue. I guess you could argue that you'd be saving that money anyway by taking the full-ride, and it is kind of adventurous to just run off to the airport to see the lover across the continent, but that could get old.

Particulalry for someone wanting to enter academic medicine, I'd imagine staying away from debt as much as possible would be a good idea. Thus, Emory at full price leaves a bit to be desired.
Thanks, everyone!

I ended up choosing Duke. Best of luck to you all too!
ramblinwreckie said:
Thanks, everyone!

I ended up choosing Duke. Best of luck to you all too!

Good choice! ;)

Perhaps I'll see you in Durham soon!!!