Another great CEU opportunity (typed sarcastically)!

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Aug 31, 2011
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So, I got the flyer in the mail for the following PESI CEU program:

Participation in this awesome training will lead to "certification" as an ASD Clinical Specialist! I shouldn't have to tell you that this means nothing, and if you list any of these types of "certifications" on your CV, application, etc., you will (and should be) chuckled at behind your back.

The list of "experts" on the panel is very...interesting? Did a quick literature search for the authors in peer-reviewed journals. You can guess the results. Many have published expensive books, though.

I do like Temple Grandin and respect what she has done in helping us to better understand what ASD does and can mean, as well as de-mystifying and de-pathologizing a lot of ASD related things. From there, though, it gets a bit weird. Many of the other talks are, at best, harmless. Other are dangerous. You can learn about "polyvagal theory" and safety. Ok, sound sciency. There's a presentation on DIR (which is solidly in the category of "needs more research to prove it's effection- c.f. Developmentally-based Individual-difference Relationship-based intervention (DIR)/Floor Time). This is being presented by and OT- have that stuff has come to be in anyway association with OT's and their training is pretty questionable. There will also be presentation by and OT on "sensorimotor interventions" (in the category of "doesn't work"- c.f. Sensory-motor Therapies). The same OT is also presenting on the "brain-gut connection" in ASD (in the category of "doesn't work, and might be dangerous"- c.f. Special Diets). Uggh!

My brochure says I can get all this for $99.99- marked down from $1099.83! Such a deal!

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Gotta love PESI. Glad to hear their autism offerings are just as evidence-based as their trauma offerings...
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I did the PESI Grief Summit last year for two days. Mostly because it was marked down to the price of free and both my licenses accept their CEUs. It was so informative I could have slept through it.
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My brochure says I can get all this for $99.99- marked down from $1099.83! Such a deal!
Someone must've accidentally hit the 1 and 0 keys when making that brochure.
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