Any better/cheaper services than essayedge?

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Jun 26, 2003
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I used them last year and they were ok. My essay has improved from where it was. I checked this year and they got even more expensive. Did anyone use anything different with a similar or better success?

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I used them last year and they were ok. My essay has improved from where it was. I checked this year and they got even more expensive. Did anyone use anything different with a similar or better success?

Friends, parents, friends of friends who have some good experience. I've managed to find some pretty great people to look mine over just by looking around. For example, I just asked a friend who has a sister who in an editor of something, and so on. If you aren't happy after giving that a try, then you could go to a professional service, but I bet you could do just as well on your own- and save the money for a million other things.
agreed. services such as these are just there to pray off nervous premeds/high school seniors.
Well, I do not have such people. Can someone suggest a service? I just want to get it done quickly without any judgement BS or whatever. I am willing to pay to get it done without a headache.