Any Drug Info residents out there?

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May 3, 2011
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I am strongly considering this and have a few questions.

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I'm also considering Drug Info as my specialty! Hope someone responds...
I'm good friends with a Drug Info PGY-2 and can pass questions on to her...
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My only suggestion: do everything in your power to schedule at least one drug information rotation before October of your P-4 year. That way you will know whether it is something you still want to consider after experiencing it first-hand. I thought I would like drug information. Drug info at the university hospital turned out to be the absolute worst rotation I have had. But I do know a few people who do drug information (both in the hospital/academia and industry) and they seem to love what they do... And I myself really enjoyed my drug information rotation at the local Poison Control Center.
We have an unaccredited drug info residency (in industry) that takes new grads. From my interaction with the residents, they seem to like the program. They get employed afterwards, but I'm not sure about the quality of the jobs. My industry rotation (though it's not drug info) is kind of boring to me, and the student there that's doing drug info seems bored as well, so I don't think I'd want to go into industry. I have absolutely no clue about hospital-based drug info.