Any ideas for this talk:

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10+ Year Member
Aug 17, 2012
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So been doing this cat skiing lodge trip for years. Some Canadian docs go there at the same time and they turn their trip into CME conference. They are mostly medicine types: cards, endocrinology. They invited myself and my ENT buddy to participate. I MIGHT have to give a talk this year of “general medical interest.”

Any ideas? Maybe “pre op clearance and work up,” or maybe just show some cool airway stuff?

Link to a pre made power point would be a bonus!!


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They have their own guidelines for preop what more can you teach them? Maybe just take the time explaining what happens during a simple anesthetic, mac vs general, etc. can do a case with uncontrolled dm and aortic stenosis or whatever your favorite cv/endo issues are.
Appropriateness for requesting regional anesthetics. I get some pretty laughable clearances that shows no understanding and depends on a regional technique.

Might help prevent some cancelations.

Working up a peripheral injury after a PNB? That has some medicine vibes in it.

But I am a picture type of guy… always like trauma airway talks that have super gory pictures associated w them.

Classic failed suicide attempt with a shotgun comes to mind.