Any Medical Students rotating at Bergen. 2 cents needed

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15+ Year Member
May 27, 2004
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Just wondering what your experience is/was like in Psychiatry at this program. I have an interview next week with this program just want to know what to expect. Your 2 cents will surely be appreciated. I read some previous posts that were mixed in their reviews, but this was an old thread. looking for something more up to date.:cool:

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I interviewed there & liked what I saw, & posted about it on the board over a year ago. However, I got the interview & tour where the program is selling themselves to you as much as you are selling yourself to it.

I have become friends with some people who were connected with the program & found out more information about it.

I really don't want to mention what I've heard because its second hand data.

If someone from that program comes out, I'd like to address some of those things I've heard. Otherwise I'm keeping my mouth shut. Its not fair to bring these things up unless someone who's there or been there can address some of the things I've heard.
I'm a 4th year at UMDNJ SOM.

All I know about this program is that traditionally it has mostly been foreign residents who fill their ranks.

As far as med students, St George, Ross, and UMDNJ med students rotate there.

Parasmus is a nice city but a ton of traffic and tough to get into in the morning.
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Thanks guys for your input.

couple of things

whopper; if you like what you saw, what made you choose to go elsewhere for your training? I assume you choose another program and finished successfully since your an attending. I've read from other forums and other posts that the teaching is good at BRMC, but residents werent that happy and the workload was tough. someone was also given a written exam after the interview. did you experience that? This program interviews alot of people around 200. They also reported only position in the match. I'm assuming they get the majority of their positions through a pre-match set-up.

Colleezfascia; did the foreign residents have problems communicating in English? I read an old post where one med student complained that the residents didn't know how to relate to the american/caribbean students because of cultural differences. I'm scratching my head a little bit, because this program does not sponsor ANY visas, so that means that the applicants must have a green card or US citizenship. getting a green card alone takes at least 5-7 years... at least. doesn't that give immigrants enough time to assimilate. Did the residents seem happy? I like the program's curriculum, but wondering if I will fit in. I'm a USIMG, studied abroad for med school not the caribbean but my parent's country.

Thanks for the tip about the traffic. I'm going to get a hotel room.
OK, I'll mention what I do know.

1) I did get a written test during my interview. The program had 2 part interview process with favored candidates getting the 2nd interview, though those with only 1 interview were not thrown out of consideration

2) Almost all the residents there are Indian. I'm not talking 50%. I'm talking over 90%. When I interviewed there, there was only 1 resident that was not Indian. Last I heard things were the same.

3) You heard residents weren't happy? I heard the same. That's one of those things I didn't want to get into, but since you brought it up, I'm addressing it. However I don't want to get into it much because I don't want to get into the specifics without someone to address them, given that I heard these 2nd hand. I can say that the person I heard it from, I do trust him/her, but nonetheless, its still 2nd hand.

4) You mentioned that there were "cultural differences"? I heard the same too. Again, will not go into more detail unless someone from the program will announce themselves on the forum.
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Just wanted to clarify for the curious. When I interviewed there, I did like what I saw. However, as I mentioned in many threads, many programs are willing to present their program in a light perhaps better than it really is. The best way to find out what a program is really like to to talk to people there who don't have the proverbial knife at their neck. A resident being able to talk to you about the program while an attending stares at them doesn't count. Talking to the chief resident doesn't count either (and that was the case when I interviewed there). The Chief is pseudo-faculty. Medical students there told me they liked it but then again, they told me so in front of residents and attendings and medstudents tend to live in fear of their superiors.

I worked with someone from that program while I was a resident elsewhere due to some extracurriculars. That's where I heard the less than stellar things. Notice that I don't mention who he/she is? Part of that reason is because I got the feeling that doing so would get him/her in trouble. Was this person unreliable? I don't think so. From our work experience together, I was very impressed with his/her professionalism.

I don't want to mention what he/she told me because it's second-hand and I would just feel fair bringing up those issues without some type of feedback from people from that program.

Another thing is that this is that I heard this information about 2.5 years ago, so it might not even be valid anymore.

While I do think this board provides a good service with providing needed under-the-table data, because of the anonymity of many contributers, it can lead to people unfairly smearing a program left unchecked. I've given my ID on the board a few times but I still feel that giving out specific details would not be fair, and it may not even be accurate given that I heard the data 2nd hand and didn't experience it for myself.
Thank you Whopper for the feedback you've given about the program. I would also like to hear from others who maybe have first hand experience with the program?

SDN is great to hear feedback about programs and I understand that a lot of it may not be exactly accurate. However, as I continue on in my medical education, I still find it is the only place to get any kind of feedback. Advisors at my school don't make a peep concerning quality of programs or feedback that they've gotten about them. Residents that I've met aren't willing to talk either. It seems the only way to get anyone to say anything is by being anonymous... this is why I keep checking SDN for some guidance...although I do take things with a grain of salt. Thanks to all who contribute!