Any schools that review applications without letters?

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Oct 4, 2014
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I have a committee letter that will go out toward the end of July and am trying to figure out secondary timing. Should I aim to get all my secondaries in around the time the letter is sent, or are there any schools that would read my application before the letter arrives? I'd like to get secondaries in ASAP, but I don't want to rush too much if it makes no difference without the committee letter. Any insight?

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I personally can't think of any school that considers an application to be complete until secondaries are in
We might read an application and queue an applicant for interview pending receipt of the letters but we won't even read an application until the secondary is received. That said, no interview invitations go out until August so a committee letter that hits in late July is just fine.

Do keep in mind that in mid October we'll still be reading applications that were submitted in July because the backlog is just that big. By mid-October we're reading the applications submitted in August and so forth through December or later. The turn-around can be swift or it can be slow. There is no predicting and sometimes it just depends on what the application reviewers have going on (seeing patients, delivering lectures, delivering babies, etc)
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