Any unlv students that got in through caapid that has an idea about what the interview questions are going to be like and what the bench test will be?

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Jun 10, 2023
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I got an interview invite for unlv for advance standing programme and I wanna know how the interview is going to be like. Are they going to ask dental related questions or is it just gonna be a casual dicussion? What did they ask in the bench prep and written exam!
Would really be helpful because this is my first interview and its only a month to prepare for all!

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interview format varies from school to school if u dont state where u r getting interview at is hard to tell. Bench also depends on school to school bases some ask for fgc preps other for ceramic, the tooth # varies, some let u bring ur own prep kit others don't. My 2 cents just be urself be relaxed analyze the questions u r asked as a human been and be urself, they want to know who u r and if u are a reflection of ur SOP/CV. As for the bench is all about how u prepared.
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Congrats! I don't have any insight about unlv but I hope everything went smooth! Keep us updated.