Anyone else scared?

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Feb 6, 2022
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Because PTCAS opened today…like I know I’m a decent applicant but since PTCAS opened today it feels very real. All I can think about is what if I don’t get in anywhere

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Yes, I feel for you. I was going to apply last round but didnt feel like I stood out. So far I have 6 schools I'm applying to and I'm scared I'm not going to get into any of them lol I do think we have an advantage by starting the application early and applying before most.
Even if you don’t get in this round, it’s not the end of the world. It took me 3 application cycles before getting in anywhere. Just think of it as an extra growth and learning opportunity!
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Even if you don’t get in this round, it’s not the end of the world. It took me 3 application cycles before getting in anywhere. Just think of it as an extra growth and learning opportunity!
What did you do differently to strengthen your application each time?
What did you do differently to strengthen your application each time?
I retook several classes and worked in an outpatient clinic for 2 years and created strong relationships with the PTs there so they could write me good references. I also retook the GRE.
Because PTCAS opened today…like I know I’m a decent applicant but since PTCAS opened today it feels very real. All I can think about is what if I don’t get in anywhere
Terrified. It's all I can think of and the pressure is kind of paralyzing me on my writing prompts :(