Anyone here in New Mexico?

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Aug 21, 2007
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Place has always seemed king of magic to me.
Was in ABQ/Santa Fe some time ago, and promised myself I'd come back to see more.

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Place has always seemed king of magic to me.
Was in ABQ/Santa Fe some time ago, and promised myself I'd come back to see more.
Screenshot 2024-09-30 at 8.11.20 AM.png
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Lived and practiced there for 4 years before fellowship. Reach out if I can answer anything!
Fall in New Mexico is as close to magical as I've ever seen. Taos has great skiing, but do yourself a favor and visit in the off season. Work up an appetite hiking the gorge, then sate it at The Love Apple. If in Santa Fe, go to Cafe Pasqual's. You'll want reservations for both, and then you can debate which of the two was the best meal you've ever had. The Four Corners area is a bit tougher to get to, but totally worth it.

Southern NM is cool AF too, but if you are only going for a week, I'd focus on the northern part of the state.

Whatever you do - avoid Balloon Fiesta, unless you're actually going for the hot air balloons.
I live there when I'm not working (I'm a resident of another state, and I spend not quite half my time there). I won't work there. It's a great and beautiful place that has my affection, but overall, a poorly-managed state. Definitely overlooked as a vacation destination, but I'm OK with that. Has a diversity of incredible landscapes and is great for the outdoor-lover. Everybody goes to Colorado and forgets about NM. But yeah, AMA and stuff.
Can you elaborate on this?
Every October hot air balloon enthusiasts travel from all over the world to Albuquerque for Balloon Fiesta, so it's a great time to come if that's your thing. But so many people come that flights are pricey, hotel rooms are full at even more than double the usual rates, it's hard to rent a car, and restaurants as far as an hour away out of ABQ (like Cafe Pasqual's) can be hard to get a reservation at. So - just come a week before or a week after - skip the crowds and have a lovely time.
Yeah, lived there a few years. AMA.

How's the Alamagordo/Cloudcroft area? Lincoln National Forest?
Looking to make a trip to see cool stuff. White Sands is close; but that's just a few hours of one day.
Carlsbad Caverns is a 2-3 hour drive from that point, too.
I live there when I'm not working (I'm a resident of another state, and I spend not quite half my time there). I won't work there. It's a great and beautiful place that has my affection, but overall, a poorly-managed state. Definitely overlooked as a vacation destination, but I'm OK with that. Has a diversity of incredible landscapes and is great for the outdoor-lover. Everybody goes to Colorado and forgets about NM. But yeah, AMA and stuff.

Heard you say: "I won't work there". Elaborate?
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People say that, but I wonder why.
Seems like there's a 200K cap for any one party, with a total cap of 600K and a "patient compensation fund".
I think a few medmal lawyers who moonlight as state representatives passed some pretty (massive) controversial raises to those caps a few years ago, not sure of all the details
Medmal hellhole. Used to be fun to work for the IHS there, but it's become a popular place to work, and it doesn't pay well these days.

I loved Albuquerque when I lived there, but it was very sleepy. That was decades ago, wonder if it has changed. It is beautiful and the culture is unique and special.
Medmal hellhole. Used to be fun to work for the IHS there, but it's become a popular place to work, and it doesn't pay well these days.

I loved Albuquerque when I lived there, but it was very sleepy. That was decades ago, wonder if it has changed. It is beautiful and the culture is unique and special.
I too loved ABQ! (Also decades ago)
I would consider retirement there over AZ and FL.
Medmal hellhole. Used to be fun to work for the IHS there, but it's become a popular place to work, and it doesn't pay well these days.

I loved Albuquerque when I lived there, but it was very sleepy. That was decades ago, wonder if it has changed. It is beautiful and the culture is unique and special.
Lol just came across this article and I think I see what you mean
