Anyone know where that post about how interviewers evaluate candidates is?

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Oct 10, 2023
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I remember a few months ago reading a post an admissions committee/ interviewer made about how they have these scores they give each applicant after the interview, then there are these descriptions they write and they add up all the scores to make final decisions. I have been looking for that post for a while, but I can’t seem to find it. Can someone please direct me to that post? It’ll help me alleviate some of this anxiousness I feel post-interview.
There isn't a scoring system that is the same across all schools; each school will somehow discuss applicants that interview periodically.
They may make a decision after a meeting, but save their decisions for release to the applicants later.
You have done what you can at this point by getting an interview and completing it.
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I remember a few months ago reading a post an admissions committee/ interviewer made about how they have these scores they give each applicant after the interview, then there are these descriptions they write and they add up all the scores to make final decisions. I have been looking for that post for a while, but I can’t seem to find it. Can someone please direct me to that post? It’ll help me alleviate some of this anxiousness I feel post-interview.
Look up my post on "behind the curtain"
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