Application Advice /VCU Cert question too

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Apr 6, 2018
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Hey everyone!
I am just going to get right to my question(s):

I am a current senior who has applied to post-bacc/masters programs and currently I have been accepted into VCU's CERT. I am still waiting to hear back from George Squared. Do you think its worth applying to Dental Schools this cycle as I am in the CERT program- and if so, what schools should I add to my application? ALSO if anyone has any recent experience and feedback on VCU CERT for Pre-dentals gaining admission into Dental schools (especially VCU Dental school) I would really appreciate it!!!

I am aware my stats are very, very low but I do have an upward trend and exceptional letters of rec
(by all means, I don't mean to sound cocky etc about my letter of rec but I am confident that at least one of my recs is exceptional... the others would be great too but not much better than any other applicant who had great letters...)

I know that apps are expensive, but after talking with my family it is more important to invest in applying this time (and next time if I have to) if there is reason to believe I can possibly get in this cycle.

GPA:2.92 ( 90% sure I will have a 3.0 before applications go up )
sGPA: 2.82 ( 8 credits of science classes in progress so this WILL go up)

DAT: AA20/TS:21 BIO:22 GC:21 OC:19 RC:21 QR:16 PAT:18
**** I have been earning As in my upper level biology classes for the past three semesters. I had an obvious large dip in my earlier undergraduate career and it (obviously) has really affected my overall and sGPA numbers...
I plan on retaking the DAT this summer to improve these scores -- especially the QR and PAT... but please do let me know what your thoughts are on this as well! I have a lot of shadowing hours, and I have been a volunteer Dental Assistant for a year.
If you made it to the end of my lengthy post, I want to say thank you so much for your time :)

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How are your ECs? I would recommend applying after a post-bacc or master's program. Even if you raise your oGPA to above a 3.0, your sGPA is still below 3.0 and that will make it harder for schools to invite you to interviews. Although your DAT scores are decent, they are not high enough to compensate your GPA. Just focus on doing well in post bacc/master's and apply next year. Do more shadowing/ECs in the mean time. Good luck!
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How are your ECs? I would recommend applying after a post-bacc or master's program. Even if you raise your oGPA to above a 3.0, your sGPA is still below 3.0 and that will make it harder for schools to invite you to interviews. Although your DAT scores are decent, they are not high enough to compensate your GPA. Just focus on doing well in post bacc/master's and apply next year. Do more shadowing/ECs in the mean time. Good luck!
Thank you! My ECs are good... but I am leaning towards retaking my DAT this summer.. do you think that will help? I only studied for four-four and a half weeks this winter break (half of the time spent learning the material and half practicing) and I am hoping to dedicate more time on practicing for the retake if I retake.... do you think this is a good idea? I appreciate your time!
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Thank you! My ECs are good... but I am leaning towards retaking my DAT this summer.. do you think that will help? I only studied for four-four and a half weeks this winter break (half of the time spent learning the material and half practicing) and I am hoping to dedicate more time on practicing for the retake if I retake.... do you think this is a good idea? I appreciate your time!
There's definitely room for improvement but you should only retake if you have extra time this summer AND you can score 23/24+ consistently on practice exams. Otherwise personally I wouldn't take the risk of taking DAT again because your score is decent already.
Have you heard back from G2 yet? I've been waiting for weeks