Application Fees

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Apr 27, 2003
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When we submit the AMCAS, I know we have to pay the $150 processing fee + $30 per school, but do the schools also charge us? I read that schools charge $35-$75 to review applications, but I wasnt sure if the fees were just for secondaries, or if they charge a fee for both the primary and secondary applications.

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The fees you have read about are for schools to process your secondary application.

so pay amcas, and they will send your app to the schools of your choice... Then secondaries will come and you will send a check with your completed secondary to each spcific school...

OH Man do they charge you!!!

After paying AMCAS, you'll get secondaries from the schools you designated. Along with the completed secondary, you'll be asked to send along the fee............all of my schools were in the $75 - $100 range. Some schools (like BU) don't even have a secondary...they just ask you to send them the $100 check.
You can definitely write letters to individual schools requesting fee waivers for their secondaries. I got a ton of fee waivers!