Application Materials

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Dec 11, 2020
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I am planning to apply this cycle but I have been procrastinating and I have not asked for letters of rec yet. Will I be okay to apply this cycle if I submit stuff by mid July?

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Mid July is perfectly okay, there are advantages of applying early, but it's not a deal breaker to apply a little later
Okay thank you so much! I have asked for letters of rec but none of my professors have reached back to me yet so hopefully they get back to me soon.
So a little update, my professors still haven't gotten back to me and idk what to do. Im taking two upper level science courses summer A as well and I have been very active in both would it be a good idea to ask both of those professors?
So a little update, my professors still haven't gotten back to me and idk what to do. Im taking two upper level science courses summer A as well and I have been very active in both would it be a good idea to ask both of those professors?
When do your professors finish exams and submit grades? I'd check in with securing a general timeline given that they are usually busy with that.
When do your professors finish exams and submit grades? I'd check in with securing a general timeline given that they are usually busy with that.
Our classes end on June 17th so I will ask this week and ask them if they will be willing to write me a letter of recommendation at the end of the semester
How do we go about making sure out "official" DAT scores are on our application/sent to the programs we apply to? I entered my scores of the DAT that I took this past march on the 'self-report' section of the ADEA application and, I also selected every dental school program when asked who I'd like the DAT score to be sent to when applying for the exam.

Is this enough or is there another step?
How do we go about making sure out "official" DAT scores are on our application/sent to the programs we apply to? I entered my scores of the DAT that I took this past march on the 'self-report' section of the ADEA application and, I also selected every dental school program when asked who I'd like the DAT score to be sent to when applying for the exam.

Is this enough or is there another step?
You should probably create your own question post to receive answers.

However, from my current cycle experience, your official scores are submitted to the portal automatically once you input your dentpin under 'Other Information'. Hope this helps.