Are APA online courses relevant/useful for medical students?

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5+ Year Member
Feb 24, 2020
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Hello all - I am currently an OMS 3 with a strong interest in psychiatry. I have been a member of the APA for a while now, and every so often I come across interesting courses while perusing the APA's "learning center". Many of these courses are free for med students, so I have entertained the thought of signing up for one.

I am interested in these subjects and learning more about them, and I like that these cost $0 for students, however I don't necessarily want to fill my precious free time with additional work unless it reasonably increases my chances of matching into psych. Would including a few of these courses in my application be a meaningful demonstration of my longitudinal interest?

My honest guess is probably not, but I wanted to see what SDN thought before taking the option off the table completely. I appreciate any/all insight - thank you!

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This is not something that should be included in your application. Now if you create a course for the learning center that counts. Do the courses if you are interested and have the time. To match, do well on COMLEX, consider taking Step 2, do well in your clerkships, do away rotations at places you have an interested in matching at and do honor those rotations - and get strong LoRs from them. Try to present at some conferences, publish papers or book chapters, get involved in PsychSIGN or other professional organizations, get involved in teaching and curriculum development, attend some conferences and network.
This is not something that should be included in your application. Now if you create a course for the learning center that counts. Do the courses if you are interested and have the time. To match, do well on COMLEX, consider taking Step 2, do well in your clerkships, do away rotations at places you have an interested in matching at and do honor those rotations - and get strong LoRs from them. Try to present at some conferences, publish papers or book chapters, get involved in PsychSIGN or other professional organizations, get involved in teaching and curriculum development, attend some conferences and network.
Nope. They would be ignored by admission committees. Good luck!
Thank you for the replies - I see my suspicions were correct. I'll keep working on the items splik mentioned!!