Are you ready to be the old person in class?

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Oct 11, 2004
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I'm sick of being the old person in class!! One girl even asked me to buy her and her boyfriend beer :eek: Could I feel any older??? It didn't seem that long ago when I was that girl....

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Well, I'm a relatively young postbac so I haven't had anyone ask me to buy them beer yet. :p But I was also used to being the youngest in my class (my birthday is in late June), so it's a strange feeling to see people walking around with "Class of '08" T-shirts and looking at me strangely when I talk about anything having to do with the early 80s. I know it'll only be worse when I get to medical school and see kids barely out of their teens in my graduating class. :scared:
I haven't been the oldest in one class yet. All of my classes have had someone older, and I'm 30. As a matter of fact, there are usually two or three non-trads in a class! :D
I think it's great to see. We even go over each others note cards, to make sure we have all of the info down right. We help each other out.

I do notice that line that the youngers make when they notice the olders doing the A work. All of the sudden, we're the bees knees when that review time comes up. It's called studying and not wasting time. We don't have that luxury of retaking something.
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Truth74 said:
I haven't been the oldest in one class yet. All of my classes have had someone older, and I'm 30. As a matter of fact, there are usually two or three non-trads in a class! :D
I think it's great to see. We even go over each others note cards, to make sure we have all of the info down right. We help each other out.

I do notice that line that the youngers make when they notice the olders doing the A work. All of the sudden, we're the bees knees when that review time comes up. It's called studying and not wasting time. We don't have that luxury of retaking something.

:laugh: I know what you are talking about. The younger set at the university are so quick to come talk to us older students around test time and homework time! I don't mind helping out but it's pretty obvious that some of them don't have the best study skills!

I particularly enjoy sitting in a classroom waiting for class to start and listening to some of the undergrads talking about their social life or views on life. It usually amuses me! Boy, has life changed for me since my undergrad years. I know, I shouldn't be listening but as a student who is also working full time and studying for MCAT I need some amusement in my life! :laugh:
There is definitely a difference in maturity between me and my younger classmates and I'm in my late twenties. In fact, I don't even consider myself all that mature for my age! But it would be nice to have more classmates closer to my age for the sake of decent conversation. Just the other day some freshman asked me if "I was really smart or something." ugh....

I sincerely hope medical school is different....
I love it when people think that I'm in my early 20's when in fact I am 31. :D
blankguy said:
I love it when people think that I'm in my early 20's when in fact I am 31. :D
I got carded last month...on my 36th birthday!!!!! :laugh:

The convenience store kid wouldn't accept my offer of a tip.
I'm 47 and I'm not the oldest one in my class. :D
dgroulx said:
I'm 47 and I'm not the oldest one in my class. :D

Not counting the professors. :laugh:
I am and I must say that, as the year goes on, I feel younger now than I did in August.

I'm 33. Some of my classmates can't believe I have a 7 year old son. I don't wear makeup and I probably dress even more casually than most.

C'est la vie.
I would love to be the oldest in my class, because that means I got in!! :)
cathyg said:
I would love to be the oldest in my class, because that means I got in!! :)

Kudos for a positive attitude!
I'll be two years older than the average matriculant (26) if I actually got in this it'll definitely be strange to be older than most students in class. However, I can 'pass' for a few years younger so I'm hoping people won't ostricize me too much! :D

The only thing I'm not looking forward to is people saying, 'gee, why med school NOW, you're so old when you'll be done'. Like i need to be reminded that I'll be 30 when I'm finished. :scared:
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NonTradMed said:
I'll be two years older than the average matriculant (26) if I actually got in this it'll definitely be strange to be older than most students in class. However, I can 'pass' for a few years younger so I'm hoping people won't ostricize me too much! :D

The only thing I'm not looking forward to is people saying, 'gee, why med school NOW, you're so old when you'll be done'. Like i need to be reminded that I'll be 30 when I'm finished. :scared:

i'm 30 and i haven't started. "so old" is relative.
I am 33 and feel better now than when I was 21 :D I love it when a classmate that is 18-21 tell me that I am close to their mothers age :rolleyes: :eek:
My son will be in undergrad while I'm in med school :eek:

To the OP: I'm so happy about attending, I wouldn't care if they gave me a permanent seat on the first row. No attitude or punishment will hold me down.

I don't know about the rest of you non-trad's, but my focus on education is so much stronger since I really grew up (about 26, I'm 37 now). That coincided with finding the right woman to marry. For that matter, I won't be distracted by the dating / social game playing. Of course, I still enjoy an occasional brewski and hanging with friends to unwind.
When I was taking my post-bacc classes, I have had students come to me to ask questions thinking I was the TA.. :)

In most of the classes there were a few people older than me.........I hope I am taking the last pre-req course this semester.....I am so ready to start med-school
I have a couple of good friends who are my age and are 1st year residents right now. If I get in to my state school, they'll be the residents teaching/pimping and directing me when I'm 3rd & 4th year. That'll be a odd.
It's a mixed thing for me. Most people are ok and it's no big deal. Then there are those who mistake me for their parents and speak to me like I have a hearing tube and am senile. :rolleyes: Or, on the other hand there are those who say things like this: I want to have my family and THEN go back to school like you! (spoken by the wife of one of my classmates ... )

We have classmates who live at home with their parents here, so it's a tricky thing. But like I said, most people are no big deal about it which is the way I like it.

I don't think of myself as 'old' or even as 'nontraditional' but apparently other people do. I guess it's all relative.
During an interview the question was raised, "How will you feel about being with all of those younger students?''. I just said that I've been doing it for the last three years while taking all of my pre-requisites, and I really enjoy interacting with people of all ages.
I'm 36, but this is the first time I've ever thought of myself as "the old guy". In my career, I've always been the youngest. When I was supervising a lab several years ago, I was the youngest supervisor, so I grew a beard to look older.
My age really struck me this past summer when I went back to finish my pre-reqs, and I realized that the head of the chemistry department had just started teaching the year I graduated.
I'm thinking of capitalizing on the age = wisdom thing by growing a long fu-man-chu mustache and spouting out sagely advice. However, this option runs the risk of being mistaken for Alzheimer's.
I am usually the oldest in my classes. After the first exam, it's never a problem. All of a sudden I am everyone's new best friend and study buddy! :D

Do I worry about being the oldest in my medical school class? All I can say is "Bring it!".
NonTradMed said:
I'll be two years older than the average matriculant (26) if I actually got in this it'll definitely be strange to be older than most students in class. However, I can 'pass' for a few years younger so I'm hoping people won't ostricize me too much! :D

The only thing I'm not looking forward to is people saying, 'gee, why med school NOW, you're so old when you'll be done'. Like i need to be reminded that I'll be 30 when I'm finished. :scared:

Ha....this is so funny..."30"when I finish!" What about that guy or girl in your class that is starting at 40? I will turn 34 a couple of months after I start med school(LSU-NO) and I bet I won't be the oldest in my class. I'll be around 42 when I finish residency...when people ask that question about being"so old" when I finish and start making money, I tell them" I'm going to be 42 anyways!"
One good thing about being older: Our patients will automatically assume that we have been practicing for some time, and won't treat us like some wet behind the ear cherrie. They won't say things like, "let me see the real doctor." I'll be 34 when I start this fall.
NonTradMed said:
The only thing I'm not looking forward to is people saying, 'gee, why med school NOW, you're so old when you'll be done'. Like i need to be reminded that I'll be 30 when I'm finished. :scared:

hee..hee..hoo.haa...hee..HAA..HOO..HAA.. ROFL :p

No seriously, I'm only 32.... I haven't even started with the prereq's... So who knows...

But I think you are great to push through...

But now that I think about it, I better not laugh, since you will probably ne the senior resident I report to... "YES SIR!"
Static Line said:
One good thing about being older: Our patients will automatically assume that we have been practicing for some time, and won't treat us like some wet behind the ear cherrie. They won't say things like, "let me see the real doctor."

I've actually heard many stories where a patient was given medical advice by a young attending and then the patient, obviously skeptical, turns to the older nontraditional med student in the group and asks "well, is that what you would advise, Doctor?"
Law2Doc said:
I've actually heard many stories where a patient was given medical advice by a young attending and then the patient, obviously skeptical, turns to the older nontraditional med student in the group and asks "well, is that what you would advise, Doctor?"


The first, best skill we have to master is that knowing nodding head as the attending is speaking..... :laugh:
Law2Doc said:
I've actually heard many stories where a patient was given medical advice by a young attending and then the patient, obviously skeptical, turns to the older nontraditional med student in the group and asks "well, is that what you would advise, Doctor?"
How funny! I love being the older student. Especially when I hear the other students talk about their lives and problems. Whoa I wouldn't go back to that for a million dollars. I love the fact that I will be in medical school with all those things behind me. I am 35 with a 12 year old daughter. When I graduate and finish medical school my daughter will be in college. I don't have to worry about when to start a family, dating, and all that other crap....well I will be worrying about my daughter dating, ugh! :eek:
Amen to that! I am 38 soon to be 39 (next month) and MSI soon to be OMG MSII wow! my daughter is 15 (going on 23 or so she thinks...) and my son just turned 12. My daughter will start college at about the same time I will be graduating from medical school. I am so very happy that this bug bit me later in worries will be how to afford college for my daugther and making sure my son is not "living la vida loca" in HS too much he he.
Age is always relative.....I am starting med school this fall at 32 and will be 33 shortly thereafter. Now when I wake up in the morning I don't think to myself "man....I am 32 this year, what to do, what to do...." I have friends my age, as well as friends older and younger, I think we are just a giant mixing pot of individuals that make it to our station in life at different times.....Will I be a better doctor because I started med school 10 years later then I origionally planned....I have no idea.....will I have the nerve to stick it out no matter what.....absolutely. Age has given me one thing that youth has yet to fully earn and understand.....determination!


LECOM c/o 2009 :cool:
kota315 said:
Age is always relative.....I am starting med school this fall at 32 and will be 33 shortly thereafter. Now when I wake up in the morning I don't think to myself "man....I am 32 this year, what to do, what to do...." I have friends my age, as well as friends older and younger, I think we are just a giant mixing pot of individuals that make it to our station in life at different times.....Will I be a better doctor because I started med school 10 years later then I origionally planned....I have no idea.....will I have the nerve to stick it out no matter what.....absolutely. Age has given me one thing that youth has yet to fully earn and understand.....determination!


LECOM c/o 2009 :cool:

i was the youngest in my law school class at the age of 20 and here i am 20 years later--- a 40 year old post bac - - AND I LOVE IT!!! since we (you ) are ALL going to age, whether you go back to school or not, you might as well embrace it! i have a study group ranging from a brilliant 20 year old undergrad science nerd to a 28 year old fashion desingner and a 24 year old high school teacher - - we all learn from each other. i actually think that being older/wiser/smarter/sillier/more confident/etc is a big plus to my applications - - and if you look at it that way, so will others! :D
I went back to premed evening school when I was 49. Now I am 51 and about to start med school in the fall. Most of my premed classmates were 25 or so and they were cool about it

Phantom_blot said:
I went back to premed evening school when I was 49. Now I am 51 and about to start med school in the fall. Most of my premed classmates were 25 or so and they were cool about it

Phantom_blot you are my HERO! Way to go! :D