Army Available Posts 2023

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Aug 27, 2018
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Would any 4th year HPSPs be able to put up the post list they were given this year (or in the last few years)? I’m just curious to see the kinds of posts that are available to graduating students. Thanks!

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It varies dramatically each year. Sometimes there are several OCONUS options, other years it's all CONUS. Usually the list has somewhere in the 10-15 range.
The basic places like Ft. Hood, Ft. Benning, JBLM, Ft. Leonard Wood, Ft. Bragg... Have so many dentists that they will show up on the list every year.
The smaller and more specific locations that only have a handful of dentists only come available every few years.

Do you have questions about any specific locations?
It varies dramatically each year. Sometimes there are several OCONUS options, other years it's all CONUS. Usually the list has somewhere in the 10-15 range.
The basic places like Ft. Hood, Ft. Benning, JBLM, Ft. Leonard Wood, Ft. Bragg... Have so many dentists that they will show up on the list every year.
The smaller and more specific locations that only have a handful of dentists only come available every few years.

Do you have questions about any specific locations?

Thanks for your insight! I’m mostly interested in going (to pretty much any base) OCONUS. How viable do you think that is? It’s hard to get a feel for how many people really want to go OCONUS from dental school so I’m not sure if those are competitive slots or not.

As a follow up, how likely is it that we’d get somewhere on our list?
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I know it's certainly possible to go OCONUS right out of school. Ive seen several people do that. It's more common for those that do the 1 year AEGD/GPR.

In terms of getting somewhere on your list, I know some that got their #1, I got my #3, and I know some that were assigned to an installation that wasn't even on their list. I'd say getting your #2-4 is probably the most common scenario. Usually #1 is a stretch and only has 1 spot available and multiple people trying for it.

Would any 4th year HPSPs be able to put up the post list they were given this year (or in the last few years)? I’m just curious to see the kinds of posts that are available to graduating students. Thanks!
Here is the list for 2023 grads (straight in, no AEGD):
1. Leavenworth (Kansas City)
2. Carson (Colorado Springs, CO)
3. Germany
4. Lewis (Tacoma, WA)
5. Hood (Killeen, TX)
6. Bragg (Fayetteville, NC)
7. Belvoir (DC)
8. Riley (Manhattan, KS)
9. Bliss (El Paso, TX)
10. Gordon (Augusta, GA)
11. Drum (Watertown, NY)
12. Korea

Here is the 2022 list (same thing - non AEGD new grads)
Ft Hood
White Sands, NM
Ft Knox
Ft Stewart
Ft Leavenworth
Ft Leonard Wood
Ft Sill
Ft Bliss
Ft Polk
Aberdeen Proving Ground
Ft Gordon
Ft Meade
Here is the list for 2023 grads (straight in, no AEGD):
1. Leavenworth (Kansas City)
2. Carson (Colorado Springs, CO)
3. Germany
4. Lewis (Tacoma, WA)
5. Hood (Killeen, TX)
6. Bragg (Fayetteville, NC)
7. Belvoir (DC)
8. Riley (Manhattan, KS)
9. Bliss (El Paso, TX)
10. Gordon (Augusta, GA)
11. Drum (Watertown, NY)
12. Korea

Here is the 2022 list (same thing - non AEGD new grads)
Ft Hood
White Sands, NM
Ft Knox
Ft Stewart
Ft Leavenworth
Ft Leonard Wood
Ft Sill
Ft Bliss
Ft Polk
Aberdeen Proving Ground
Ft Gordon
Ft Meade
How does the duty locations differ from the ones we pick after AEGD? Are they the same or more OCONUS? More remote?
If a dentist goes active after a few years of reserve time, do they have access to the same list? Do they get preferential selection because they are higher rank of MAJ?