Asking professor to send me a copy of my evaluation letter.

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2+ Year Member
Jul 17, 2018
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Do you guys think that would be appropriate? I want to know because I have chosen almost 10 different programs that I am trying to apply and most of them require 2 or 3 letter of recommendation. If I had a copt of the letter I could send them all by my self and not bother the professor.

Also, would you guys advise me on this matter, please

I took the June 29th MCAT, I am waiting for my score to come back in order to submit my application. I still haven't sent transcripts. Do you guys think I should wait and check if I will be applying this year?
They cost about $40 and cant be used for later app

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Asking professor to send me a copy of my evaluation letter.

1) Do you guys think that would be appropriate?
2) I want to know because I have chosen almost 10 different programs that I am trying to apply and most of them require 2 or 3 letter of recommendation. If I had a copt of the letter I could send them all by my self and not bother the professor.
1) You must waive the right to see your LORs if you want them to be taken into account by adcomms. DO NOT ask a prof for a copy. If it is offered to you, though, without your prompting, it's OK for you to read it.

2) Application services require that the letter be submitted from an objective source. You need a letter storage service like Interfolio (free until you send them out, then one fee ~$40 for a year) or one that your school offers.
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1) You must waive the right to see your LORs if you want them to be taken into account by adcomms. DO NOT ask a prof for a copy. If it is offered to you, though, without your prompting, it's OK for you to read it.

2) Application services require that the letter be submitted from an objective source. You need a letter storage service like Interfolio (free until you send them out, then one fee ~$40 for a year) or one that your school offers.
Thank you. I had no idea about services like interfolio. Im looking into it right now.
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