AT Still or Des Moines???

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Mar 2, 2023
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AT Still vs Des Moines - planned on going to AT Still, but just got word from Des Moines that Im in. Any thoughts on one being better than the other?

Curious about different grading styles (Pass/fail vs letter grades) and residency options. Both seem good - looking for input! Thanks!

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Moved to School X vs Y forums.

It would help if you had some more pros and cons for each school such as cost, proximity to support system (if that is important to you) etc.
Would go DMU over ATSU if you’re ok with losing your deposit money (just because DMU seems to do better in the residency match in term of competitiveness), but either way you’re going to be Ok. They’re both good schools.
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Tuition for both is basically the same, but are either of them offering you better financial aid than the other? Given that Kirksville is a small town and Des Moines is a city, would that impact things like cost of living or travel accessibility e.g availability of a nearby airport etc., and would these things impact your decision?

Also wanted to say other students in the past have posted questions to compare schools and this is definitely not the first time someone has asked about DMU vs. KCOM, so if you have a little bit of time to do an SDN/Reddit/general internet dive, it might just give you some more insight to help with your decision 🙂.
it is KCOM right, and not ATSU-SOMA?