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7+ Year Member
15+ Year Member
20+ Year Member
Aug 16, 2001
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What's next for you guys? I haven't seen any activity other than one post re practice location.Are there only pre-dents and us "old docs in practice "on this forum? I know your just back from break but are ideas starting to form? Just curious as you can tell from my display name I am looking for an associate. I haven't had any real interest since I first signed on. Should I look at a different forum?

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on my part, i'm fairly interested the 'getting a job' aspect of things. i have 6 months or so left before i get my DMD . . . and i'm a bit concerned about 'working'.

my school leaves us to our own devices for the most part, which is understandable as you can't be force-fed everything and are expected to be independent.

i'm planning on relocating to the East Coast
(NYC) . . . and am also aware of the benefits of networking, which i don't have as i have no real contacts in the area. so that's a concern of mine . . . making contact with people who are interested so when i go visit i have a list of prospective employers . . .

besides the ADA or something like that, what other publications provide information regarding contacting people hiring . . .
i'm a little comforted by the idea of a higher retiring dentist/new dentist ratio, but i've heard from other practitioners that the 'dental shortage' is a myth.

i would also like to see what prospective graduates have in mind as to their ideal practice . . . obviously if you're going to specialize or do an AEGD or GPR . . . but those of us heading out in the field . . .

ideally as far as working goes i'd like to be an associate in a practice which is heavy on endo and oral surgery, as well as the bread and butter of fixed and operative. I'd like to restore implants and wouldn't mind removable once in a while. i'm not that big of a fan of Perio, but i suppose i'd any crown lengthenings for crowns i'm restoring . . . i

where do people stand as far as dental management companies or accepting patients from healthcare or capitation programs . . . we've been taught that fee-for-service is the best way to go, but not everyone can have that luxury . . . what kind of a mix is really out there and what is such a program's impact on profitability?

i'll start a thread and see if we can't get some of our ideas out there.
I am also graduating in about 5 mos. and am looking for a job in Ontario, Canada; but, I am not totally against staying in the US.

I actually enjoy perio and wouldn't mind learning gingival/ct grafting and crown lengthening. I also enjoy dentures, but not partials.