Away Rotation at UCSF

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10+ Year Member
Jun 27, 2011
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Hello All,

I'm a 4th year at a medical school in the North East and am hoping to eventually match in California for residency, and am doing an away rotation with UCSF, the advanced clinical clerkship in anesthesia. I'm not sure what to expect/expectations of me from the rotation and would appreciate any insight/advice/etc if anyone has done this!


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I wonder what people will say. Will they tell you the truth, which you already know, that you should be excellent all the time, that you should show up early, stay late, ask questions, answer questions without sounding like a know-it-all, and straddle that fine line between being eager/capable versus coming off like an overconfident suck-up. Or will they say, "no, brah, it's like super-chill," hoping you'll underperform, thereby leaving more room for them to climb the rank list.

I don't represent the department in this regard, but we get visiting sub-I's at the VA (I think they all spend a week with us), and I can tell you that you should expect to be paired up with a resident for the bulk of your week, that you should participate in all aspects of the patient's care, and expect to have your knowledge probed and challenged. The expectations on you will largely be those above: to simply be an overall excellent medical student. If you ever find yourself wondering, "should I offer to do/see/participate in/help with something," the answer is probably yes.

I would add for myself, I could care less if you're good at procedures. Sure, I'd hate to see you be a total klutz, but coming in like a dolt who can insert an arterial line will not be nearly as impressive as coming in with the usual desired personal, intellectual, and professional attributes, but poor procedural skills.
don't waste your time in ucsf. look for a better program