Bad Semester Grades

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Dec 7, 2015
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So I have around 50 credit hours of undergraduate for a degree in biology. My ultimate goal is to be a veterinarian so I take my grades very seriously averaging straight As and about 2 Bs. However, this semester I had a lot of things happen that just turned my life upside down (death of a family member and a horse accident that caused my horse to be euthanized) I took bio, chem, trig, and govt this semester and three of them I made Cs in. Should I retake them or just work really hard to try to show an improvement in my grades. I have been in college since I was 15 and my advisors just say I had a bad semester and shouldn't let it get to me but I think they sugarcoat things some times. Also I have around 800hrs vet experience

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So I have around 50 credit hours of undergraduate for a degree in biology. My ultimate goal is to be a veterinarian so I take my grades very seriously averaging straight As and about 2 Bs. However, this semester I had a lot of things happen that just turned my life upside down (death of a family member and a horse accident that caused my horse to be euthanized) I took bio, chem, trig, and govt this semester and three of them I made Cs in. Should I retake them or just work really hard to try to show an improvement in my grades. I have been in college since I was 15 and my advisors just say I had a bad semester and shouldn't let it get to me but I think they sugarcoat things some times. Also I have around 800hrs vet experience

I have 2 Cs and 4 C+s on my transcript. I've been accepted to 2 vet schools, but also rejected from 2. Take that how you will. How many more credits do you have left to take? Having 3 Cs is doable to still get into vet school. You've clearly been working hard and will continue to work hard. It's fine to have a bad semester. GPA isn't the only thing taken into account. I had a lot of experience and fairly good GRE scores to balance out my lower coursework. Plus, some schools heavily weight the GPA of the last 45 credit hours. So, I would just continue to make As and Bs and you'll be fine. Plus, things in life happen - deaths, accidents, etc. It's ok that those things affected you. Does your school allow them to be retaken if you only make a C? Some schools only let you retake if you have a D or F. You really shouldn't let it get to you too much. You still have a significant amount of coursework left to take which could show an upward trend, increase your science GPA, and increase the last 45 credit GPA. You also have time to gain more experience.
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Just keep moving forward. When you get ready to apply to vet school in the future you will be able to discuss "grade issues" on your application. You're not expected to be perfect and a few C's won't derail what sounds like an otherwise solid A/B academic performance.
Thank you all for the reassurance this semester has been really demotivating both in and outside of school