Barry BMS vs Geisinger School of Medicine MBS Special Masters Programs

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Rafael 11

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7+ Year Member
Mar 31, 2015
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Although these are both special masters programs offering a master's in the end, they are very different in their own ways. Geisinger School of Medicine MBS is a one year program with a newly designed block schedule, while Barry varies ( personally assigned to Barry BMS 2 year track). If you had the choice between these programs with a 3.0 gpa (low) and a medicore MCAT, which one would you lean towards more? Is it a significant if we attend an SMP at a medical school rather than a regular university?

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Although these are both special masters programs offering a master's in the end, they are very different in their own ways. Geisinger School of Medicine MBS is a one year program with a newly designed block schedule, while Barry varies ( personally assigned to Barry BMS 2 year track). If you had the choice between these programs with a 3.0 gpa (low) and a medicore MCAT, which one would you lean towards more? Is it a significant if we attend an SMP at a medical school rather than a regular university?

Hi Rafael11,

I am currently a student at Barry University's BMS program (medical track). I believe that ultimately you must sit down and figure out what program will work best for your needs. If you have questions or concerns with either program you should set up a meeting with each school so that they can address your concerns and help you reach a decision that best suits you. When I applied to the BMS program at Barry, the admissions committee was always extremely helpful and honest about the expectations they had for their students and their success in gaining admissions to medical or dental school.

I can tell you that the classes offered in the BMS program go hand in hand with the classes you will encounter in medical school (such as anatomy, physiology, histology, biochemistry, neuroscience, microbiology, embryology), some of which I noticed were not in the curriculum for Geisinger School of Medicine MBS program and are crucial in medical school. Although our program does not offer an MCAT prep class like the Geisinger School of Medicine MBS program, I can tell you that my MCAT score has improved significantly based on the classes I have taken at Barry (11 points). I came in with similar stats, but I am currently applying to medical school and I have no doubt in my mind I will get in and be top of my class in medical school, thanks to my hard work and diligence.

As for attending a SMP at a medical school versus a regular university, I recommend you do a lot of research on the percentage of students that complete each program and gain acceptance to medical. Just because you complete a SMP at a medical school does not mean you will gain acceptance. I know the Geisinger School of Medicine MBS program lists on its website that you will be offered an interview upon meeting "established criteria" (one of those being that you are in the top 20% of the class and obtain a 502 on your MCAT). The link for the established criteria is here: As for Barry's BMS program you can review a detailed acceptance list if you follow this link (Graduates Accepted : Admissions : Biomedical Sciences, MS : College of Nursing and Health Sciences : Barry University, Miami Shores, Florida). Although the program at Barry does not guarantee an interview or acceptance into any medical or dental school, the results do speak for themselves.

Ultimately, the program you choose should fulfill your needs and goals for the future. Reach out to the schools so that they can address your concerns. Also, it is important that you dedicate yourself 120% to the program you decide to attend. Achieving excellent grades and a high MCAT score is all about your dedication and perseverance.

Good luck !
Hi Rafael11,

I am currently a student at Barry University's BMS program (medical track). I believe that ultimately you must sit down and figure out what program will work best for your needs. If you have questions or concerns with either program you should set up a meeting with each school so that they can address your concerns and help you reach a decision that best suits you. When I applied to the BMS program at Barry, the admissions committee was always extremely helpful and honest about the expectations they had for their students and their success in gaining admissions to medical or dental school.

I can tell you that the classes offered in the BMS program go hand in hand with the classes you will encounter in medical school (such as anatomy, physiology, histology, biochemistry, neuroscience, microbiology, embryology), some of which I noticed were not in the curriculum for Geisinger School of Medicine MBS program and are crucial in medical school. Although our program does not offer an MCAT prep class like the Geisinger School of Medicine MBS program, I can tell you that my MCAT score has improved significantly based on the classes I have taken at Barry (11 points). I came in with similar stats, but I am currently applying to medical school and I have no doubt in my mind I will get in and be top of my class in medical school, thanks to my hard work and diligence.

As for attending a SMP at a medical school versus a regular university, I recommend you do a lot of research on the percentage of students that complete each program and gain acceptance to medical. Just because you complete a SMP at a medical school does not mean you will gain acceptance. I know the Geisinger School of Medicine MBS program lists on its website that you will be offered an interview upon meeting "established criteria" (one of those being that you are in the top 20% of the class and obtain a 502 on your MCAT). The link for the established criteria is here: As for Barry's BMS program you can review a detailed acceptance list if you follow this link (Graduates Accepted : Admissions : Biomedical Sciences, MS : College of Nursing and Health Sciences : Barry University, Miami Shores, Florida). Although the program at Barry does not guarantee an interview or acceptance into any medical or dental school, the results do speak for themselves.

Ultimately, the program you choose should fulfill your needs and goals for the future. Reach out to the schools so that they can address your concerns. Also, it is important that you dedicate yourself 120% to the program you decide to attend. Achieving excellent grades and a high MCAT score is all about your dedication and perseverance.

Good luck !
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Hi Rafael11,

I am currently a student at Barry University's BMS program (medical track). I believe that ultimately you must sit down and figure out what program will work best for your needs. If you have questions or concerns with either program you should set up a meeting with each school so that they can address your concerns and help you reach a decision that best suits you. When I applied to the BMS program at Barry, the admissions committee was always extremely helpful and honest about the expectations they had for their students and their success in gaining admissions to medical or dental school.

I can tell you that the classes offered in the BMS program go hand in hand with the classes you will encounter in medical school (such as anatomy, physiology, histology, biochemistry, neuroscience, microbiology, embryology), some of which I noticed were not in the curriculum for Geisinger School of Medicine MBS program and are crucial in medical school. Although our program does not offer an MCAT prep class like the Geisinger School of Medicine MBS program, I can tell you that my MCAT score has improved significantly based on the classes I have taken at Barry (11 points). I came in with similar stats, but I am currently applying to medical school and I have no doubt in my mind I will get in and be top of my class in medical school, thanks to my hard work and diligence.

As for attending a SMP at a medical school versus a regular university, I recommend you do a lot of research on the percentage of students that complete each program and gain acceptance to medical. Just because you complete a SMP at a medical school does not mean you will gain acceptance. I know the Geisinger School of Medicine MBS program lists on its website that you will be offered an interview upon meeting "established criteria" (one of those being that you are in the top 20% of the class and obtain a 502 on your MCAT). The link for the established criteria is here: As for Barry's BMS program you can review a detailed acceptance list if you follow this link (Graduates Accepted : Admissions : Biomedical Sciences, MS : College of Nursing and Health Sciences : Barry University, Miami Shores, Florida). Although the program at Barry does not guarantee an interview or acceptance into any medical or dental school, the results do speak for themselves.

Ultimately, the program you choose should fulfill your needs and goals for the future. Reach out to the schools so that they can address your concerns. Also, it is important that you dedicate yourself 120% to the program you decide to attend. Achieving excellent grades and a high MCAT score is all about your dedication and perseverance.

Good luck !
Thanks for the advice, it is much appreciated! I've heard countless times that the SMPs help in preparation for the MCAT, but in what way do you think the classes have helped. Was it more based on the content or the format of the class exams. Also, did you retake your mcat while enrolled in the program or after you graduated?