Best Eraser Brands? Durable, minimal amounts of shavings, etc..

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10+ Year Member
Aug 22, 2013
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I've been using regular pencil top erasers for a while, and they're great and all, but after a while the top portion seems to break off. What do you guys use?

Pencil Top Erasers:


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I almost exclusively use pens. Unfortunately, they have yet to produce ink friendly Scantron technology.
I almost exclusively use pens. Unfortunately, they have yet to produce ink friendly Scantron technology.
I really don't understand why there's been no progress made towards this. Does the company that manufactures Scantrons have a deal with pencil companies?
I really don't understand why there's been no progress made towards this. Does the company that manufactures Scantrons have a deal with pencil companies?
I guess it's because the No. @ pencil is the AK 47 of writing utensils, so it makes it fairly standard for education purposes. I just want one stupid Scantron type that would accommodate pencils and pens.
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I know this is a joke thread, but I have actually had a fav eraser for years (despite mostly using pens)
Black Pearl.
They fit so wonderfully in your hand, and they're so smooth!
This is very important to me as smudging is a huge issue. 😉

Fits perfectly in the webbing of your thumb, nice thin edge all around for precision work, smooth feel with absolutely no smudging, and it' s comforting to just worry away with your thumb
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I almost exclusively use pens. Unfortunately, they have yet to produce ink friendly Scantron technology.

I really don't understand why there's been no progress made towards this. Does the company that manufactures Scantrons have a deal with pencil companies?

Some friends and I tested this in high school. All forms of dark writing utensils work just fine, including markers. The only thing that didn't work were things like highlighters and whiteout.

Edit: I can't believe I added legitimacy to this thread by replying. -.-
Some friends and I tested this in high school. All forms of dark writing utensils work just fine, including markers. The only thing that didn't work were things like highlighters and whiteout.

Edit: I can't believe I added legitimacy to this thread by replying. -.-

On the plus side, the ridiculous/unnecessary #2 requirement lead to me discovering, once, that there is apparently such a thing as a '#2½' pencil. OK, #4 I had heard of, but ?!? Really?