Best time for ODS

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Dead tired.
15+ Year Member
Jan 31, 2005
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I was unable to complete my Navy ODS during the summer after 1st year. Further complicating things is the fact that I took the scholarship halfway through 1st year and so I am technically a 4yr HPSP student.

Ideally I would like to avoid doing ODS during the summer after second year so that I can protect my Step I study time. Is this feasible? When would then be a good time to do ODS?

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i think some people do it right after they graduate med school and right before they go into internship(active duty)
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I was unable to complete my Navy ODS during the summer after 1st year. Further complicating things is the fact that I took the scholarship halfway through 1st year and so I am technically a 4yr HPSP student.

Ideally I would like to avoid doing ODS during the summer after second year so that I can protect my Step I study time. Is this feasible? When would then be a good time to do ODS?

You can wait until after boards. I would agree boards are more important. What you could try is to squeeze it in between boards and start of 3rd year. Some schools will let you juggle your schedule to do that. Then it would be over and done with prior to doing your clerkship ATs.
Is it advantageous to do ODS before starting a military clerkship because of the "culture shock"?
Is it advantageous to do ODS before starting a military clerkship because of the "culture shock"?

Simply put, yes. The Navy is complicated. Although ODS will not guarantee you won't look stupid, it helps.