Best way to do content review?

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Dec 11, 2019
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I'm taking the exam 8/27 and am going to study full time (40-50 hrs/week) for the next 3.5 months. Planning to do get through the Kaplan books for content review in a month and devote the rest of my time to review.

My question is whats the general consensus on what resources are recommended to use in addition to the Kaplan/TPR books. I have Milesdown, all the AAMC material, and Uwordl that I'm all planning to use as some point. What should I use during content review and what should I save? Thanks so much!

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In terms of other resources that I could think of:

For content review:
  • Khan academy Videos (free)
  • 86pg Psych/Soc Document (free)
For practice material:
  • Blueprint FL1~4 ($149 for bundle of 4 (there's more tests up to 10 but general consensus seems to be that those are much lower quality)
  • Altius FL ($300 for 10, $175 for 5)
  • Any other 3rd party full-length but the 2 above are usually what people recommend from my understanding
In terms of content to use during content review, I'd say your books (and Khan Academy + 86 page if you choose to use them). I personally think that you can start using UWorld maybe halfway through content review but some people might say wait until you're done, something to note though that UWorld definitely takes some time so don't save until the very end.

Definitely save all official AAMC materials and any other 3rd party FL's you might choose to buy until after your content review.
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In terms of other resources that I could think of:

For content review:
  • Khan academy Videos (free)
  • 86pg Psych/Soc Document (free)
For practice material:
  • Blueprint FL1~4 ($149 for bundle of 4 (there's more tests up to 10 but general consensus seems to be that those are much lower quality)
  • Altius FL ($300 for 10, $175 for 5)
  • Any other 3rd party full-length but the 2 above are usually what people recommend from my understanding
In terms of content to use during content review, I'd say your books (and Khan Academy + 86 page if you choose to use them). I personally think that you can start using UWorld maybe halfway through content review but some people might say wait until you're done, something to note though that UWorld definitely takes some time so don't save until the very end.

Definitely save all official AAMC materials and any other 3rd party FL's you might choose to buy until after your content review.
where do we find this 86 pg Psych.Soc Document. Thank you
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I would get a broad base first by doing the review books and a lot of passages, the passages will make the book info stick. If there's stuff you are really clueless about consult Khan academy. Once you start doing FLs you will start to notice gaps in your knowledge. I ironed out these gaps with targeted anki decks (i only did miledown bio and p/s). Anki is really good for memorizing random facts like psych terms.
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For content review, I do one chapter of the Kaplan books (almost) everyday and the associated MCAT anki decks.

1. I start with the pre-chapter 15 question assessment.
- These have absolutely 0 association/style of actual MCAT passage or stand alone questions but it helps assess where to focus
2. I read the chapter and do the in-chapter assessments/concept checks without referencing the material.
-This helps solidify the material for the short term, imo.
3. Do the chapter post-assessments. These ARE structured like MCAT passage/standalone questions.
- These questions are still a bit softball as they are trying to get you to use the concepts.
4. Do the Anki deck for that chapter and try to keep up with it.
- Just great for keeping these concepts floating around in your head readily available for answering questions.

Then I test my knowledge with AAMC passages and a Full Length Exam every two weeks (some Kaplan and some AAMC). In between FLE attempts I review all the missed questions (pre, post, passage, and FLE) to iron out any missed concepts.

I've found that the first 4 chapters of each book provide like 50-60% of the material thats low hanging fruit (high yield). I find that this material is super helpful for reasoning through the more difficult concepts.

Also I do at least 1 CARS passage a day along with all of this. Its a 5-10 min tack-on that keeps me thinking about scope, intent, tone, etc about passages.

Hope this helps!
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