Best way to get research opportunities (preferably publication)

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Jul 12, 2020
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Im taking a gap year due to medical issues but have already been accepted to a DO school. I want to take advantage of this year off by getting as many publications as I can as efficiently as possible. Im interested in orthopedic surgery and the internal medicine subspecialties. But just incase I want to do ortho, I want to have the research experience to back me up when applying for residency. Whats the best way to get into contact with people who are publishing quickly? Im already doing a project with a professor (PhD) but they take so long. Would it make sense to message a bunch of residents and see if they need anyone to do the dirty work for a project and have my name added on there? Or is there a better way to get into contact with people who publish material frequently?

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Ask your existing mentor if they can put you in contacts with clinicians doing clinical research as a side project. Having an introduction from someone else is much more likely to be successful than you blindly emailing a bunch of random residents