Bilateral EMG Billing

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15+ Year Member
Dec 10, 2006
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Hey team,

I'm wondering how to properly bill for bilateral limb EMG 5+ muscles. Is it two units of 95886 or 95886 with some sort of modifier that I'm not aware of. I'm the only physiatrist at an ortho practice, so the billing department is learning about my billing along with me in some instances. Thanks!

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Hey team,

I'm wondering how to properly bill for bilateral limb EMG 5+ muscles. Is it two units of 95886 or 95886 with some sort of modifier that I'm not aware of. I'm the only physiatrist at an ortho practice, so the billing department is learning about my billing along with me in some instances. Thanks!

bill the NCS and a 95886 x 2. no modifier needed.
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Hey team,

I'm wondering how to properly bill for bilateral limb EMG 5+ muscles. Is it two units of 95886 or 95886 with some sort of modifier that I'm not aware of. I'm the only physiatrist at an ortho practice, so the billing department is learning about my billing along with me in some instances. Thanks!

I would HIGHLY recommend that you (and one of the billers if possible) go to the AAMPM coding and billing workshop pre course at the academy meeting. I did this when I opened my solo practice and it made all of the difference in terms of reimbursement. Another option would be to buy the AANEM coding books.

And obviously, SSdoc33 was spot on.
Can a level 1 or 2 patient visit be billed with an EMG if a brief history, physical, and recommendations are included in the EMG report?

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Can a level 1 or 2 patient visit be billed with an EMG if a brief history, physical, and recommendations are included in the EMG report?

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If I'm doing a CTS eval for our hand surgeon, I don't. If a PCP sends a patient, I get a history, physical then give recs, refer as indicated and bill a level 3 or 4 as indicated. Coder confirmed this practice. In residency, we billed a level 2 for every eval.
I would bill as seperate
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