How are you billing for the new CPT codes?.......Not sure if it will be requiring one diagnostic block? Two? None?
The number of MBB required is based upon your carrier, not which CPT code your use. For instance, our LCD requires two diagnostic blocks prior to RFA.
In regard to CPT changes:
Attached is a copy of the changes and new procedures for 2020.
The biggest changes are as follows.
Injection of Anesthetic Agent (Nerve Block) Diagnostic or Therapeutic
64400-64455, 64461,64462,64463,64479,64480,64483,64484,64490-64495 are unilateral procedures.
For bilateral procedures, report 64400,64405,64408,64415,64416,64417,64418,64420,64425-64455,64461,64463,64479,64483,64490,64493 with modifier 50.
Report the add-on codes 64421,64462,64480,64484,64491,64492,64494,64495 x 2 units, when performed bilaterally.
DO NOT report with modifier -50
To report injection of anesthetic agent and/or steroid to the facial nerve use the unlisted code of 64999.
To report injection of anesthetic agent, and/or steroid to the phrenic nerve, cervical plexus use the unlisted code of 64999.
64451 is a new code and will be used to report injection, anesthetic agent, nerves innervating the sacroiliac joint with image guidance (i.e. fluoroscopy or computed tomography). Do not report 64451 in conjunction with the 64493, 64494,64495,77002, 77003, 77012,95873,95874. 76999 is to be used for ultrasound guidance
64454 – genicular nerve branches, including imaging guidance when performed – (64454 requires injecting all of the following genicular nerve branches: superolateral, superomedial, and inferomedical. If all 3 of these genicular nerve branches are not injected, report 64454 with modifier -52
Billing/Authorization example:
Lumbar TFESI – 3 Levels
64483 -50 x 1 unit
64484 x 4 units (cover’s bilaterally level 2, and 3)
64493- 50 x 1 unit
64494 x 2 units (no modifier)
64495 x 2 units (no modifier)
64635 – 50 x 1 unit
64636 - x 4 units (cover’s bilaterally 2 levels)