Biomedical Sciences Vs. Biology Major

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10+ Year Member
Jul 9, 2013
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Okay, so i am currently attending a community college in my town, and plan on attend CSU (Colorado State University) this coming spring.

I was originally going to major in biology, but i found out that CSU has a biomedical sciences major available, which has all the required pre-requisites you need for medical school anyways, along with some very interesting classes, such as some you would take in medical school (pharmacology, pathology, etc).
The only real reason this major interests me, aside from the reason of being interested in the subjects/courses available, is that it can give me an idea of what i will learn in 1st (possibly 2nd) year of medical school, and have some knowledge of the more basic material (I know med school will be much more advanced and accelerated).

My Questions about the majors is:

1. What major is "easier" overall? Which will allow me to gain a higher GPA?
2. Would medical schools prefer a biomedical science major over a bio major? I may think so because it has to do with the medical field, and it shows medical schools that you are that much more interested/motivated in the medical field/becoming a doctor.

Any and all opinions, comments, and suggestions are much appreciated.

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Okay, so i am currently attending a community college in my town, and plan on attend CSU (Colorado State University) this coming spring.

I was originally going to major in biology, but i found out that CSU has a biomedical sciences major available, which has all the required pre-requisites you need for medical school anyways, along with some very interesting classes, such as some you would take in medical school (pharmacology, pathology, etc).
The only real reason this major interests me, aside from the reason of being interested in the subjects/courses available, is that it can give me an idea of what i will learn in 1st (possibly 2nd) year of medical school, and have some knowledge of the more basic material (I know med school will be much more advanced and accelerated).

My Questions about the majors is:

1. What major is "easier" overall? Which will allow me to gain a higher GPA?
2. Would medical schools prefer a biomedical science major over a bio major? I may think so because it has to do with the medical field, and it shows medical schools that you are that much more interested/motivated in the medical field/becoming a doctor.

Any and all opinions, comments, and suggestions are much appreciated.

1. Unless someone has taken these exact classes at CSU, they won't be able to give you this answer. Not to mention, I would think these two majors have quite a bit of overlap. I've never even heard of them being separate majors.

2. No, they don't care what your major is. People get in with Art majors.