Board certification

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Nov 15, 2021
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Hi there!!

My husband just received his framed board certification ( ophthalmology) 2024, and he thinks there is typo error.
His certificate states : —— successfully passed the examination ( instead of examinations as shows in the example here ) in ophthalmology under the authority of the board. He states at work everyone’s certification says ( examinations instead of examination)….

I know he is overthinking!!! Can anyone who is board certified this year share the experience?
We will contact ABO after long weekend.

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My certificate is fairly recent but from before 2024. It says "examination" not "examinations". That might be because the ABO has just one certifying exam, the oral exam. The written exam (WQE) is just to qualify to take the certifying oral exam, which means if you don't pass the written, they won't let you take their certifying exam.

Looking at the signatures, Richard Mills died of Covid. George Bartley was a board member but now is CEO.

I do not think the husband's certificate has an error or, if so, the error is not the word "examinations". Consider not contacting the ABO because there is one lady there who is very bossy and cranky (some of them are very nice, however). Also, anything that increases the ABO overhead means that they will increase their fees to us sooner.
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Thank you for the information!! He is relieved after reading this.
I just posted random photo from Google.
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Does anyone really even care what the certification says? I'd tell your husband: start focusing on things that matter :)
Does anyone really even care what the certification says? I'd tell your husband: start focusing on things that matter :)
I heard of someone who had a minor error on their certificate. They got a free replacement and didn't have to send back the error. That way 2 lanes (exam rooms) can have it on the wall plus one at home.

I consider the ABO certificate as the hardest certificate that I got. True, on call during residency could be a killer at night but it could be done. Passing the boards is not a guarantee. It can be really tough, particularly the orals, which test knowledge plus a special recipe of skills.