Building a School List - "Targets" in relation to LizzyM Score

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Jun 30, 2023
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I've reviewed previous SDN guidance on building school lists, including our wise adcoms' advice about only applying to schools that one would attend even if doing so entirely on loans (vs. scholarships), and about having a solid block of "Target" schools as the focus based on factors of LizzyM score, mission fit, curriculum, along with a handful or so of "Reach" and "Undershoot" schools on either end.

My question is, of those schools that an applicant identifies as highly attractive based on non-stats factors, how far from a school's average LizzyM score should be considered a "Target" (vs undershoot or reach), for a traditional ORM from a mid-tier large public university?

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If it is just 1-3 schools out of all you'll apply to, I 'd say shoot your shot regardless of how far below you are. What have you got to lose aside from the $$ for the application and the time it takes to complete the secondary?

I guess what I'm saying is that this should not be more than 10-15% of the applications you submit.
There will be some variability if you want a specific ratio of reach, target, and "reasonable". Stats are not the only indicator to make a good school list. If you have a fit with specific tracks or opportunities or align with their mission and values, that also counts.

But just like the various diets, you need some representation from the reach, target, and reasonable/baseline groups. Just how much is like choosing a diet whether you want more carbs or proteins.