calling admissions office too many times???

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Full Member
May 21, 2024
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hi all,

is it really bad if i called my top choice med school like 5 times because i thought they were on another call? i left a voicemail after the third call with my amcas ID and my question and now i am freaking out that they will keep track of the fact that i called them so much and blacklist me

did i really hurt my chances??

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is it really bad if i called my top choice med school like 5 times because i thought they were on another call? i left a voicemail after the third call with my amcas ID and my question and now i am freaking out that they will keep track of the fact that i called them so much and blacklist me

did i really hurt my chances??

knock the big bang theory GIF

Context, please?
knock the big bang theory GIF

Context, please?

I called in the past & they always picked up so when I was sent to voicemail after a few rings, I thought that they possibly were just busy on another call.

I was calling to ask about where I can find the “letter received” indicator on their site since I didn’t see it and told them that on the voicemail plus that I had other questions about my specific letter of rec. I later realized I probably seemed extremely annoying since I called so many times and I gave them all my info on the voicemail. So I’m wondering if the fact that I purely called so many times and left that voicemail hurts my chances of getting into that school 🙁
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I called in the past & they always picked up so when I was sent to voicemail after a few rings, I thought that they possibly were just busy on another call.

I was calling to ask about where I can find the “letter received” indicator on their site since I didn’t see it and told them that on the voicemail plus that I had other questions about my specific letter of rec. I later realized I probably seemed extremely annoying since I called so many times and I gave them all my info on the voicemail. So I’m wondering if the fact that I purely called so many times and left that voicemail hurts my chances of getting into that school 🙁
Only call for something urgent. This was not such a question, so wait for them to email you or call back and take a step back from too much calling
Only call for something urgent. This was not such a question, so wait for them to email you or call back and take a step back from too much calling
I agree, it was very dumb of me to do so. Given that I've already called so many times and left a disorganized voicemail, will my chances be harmed? Will ADCOMs see this call history? I'm super worried that the damage is already done
I agree, it was very dumb of me to do so. Given that I've already called so many times and left a disorganized voicemail, will my chances be harmed? Will ADCOMs see this call history? I'm super worried that the damage is already done
The receptionists will keep track of your calls.
Otherwise how could someone call you back?
If you were angry, abusive, or bizarre on the call it might be passed along. Being nervous is pretty typical.
Stop calling & go write some essays 🙂