Can I become a doctor with epilepsy?


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Jun 14, 2013
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none.... just got my answers and wish I could delete

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Did a quick Google search because I thought it was an interesting question.

For the last 20 years, Dr. Brien J. Smith has tried to change how doctors and patients view epilepsy. Earlier this year, Dr. Smith, chief of neurology at Spectrum Health in Michigan, became chairman of the Epilepsy Foundation. Being elected head of a national organization does not seem unusual for a doctor who is a well-recognized authority and advocate in his or her field. What is extraordinary is that Dr. Smith knows firsthand about the disease and what his patients experience: He learned he had epilepsy when he was in high school.

So, yeah, you'll be good.
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Epileptic medical student here. Had my first seizure in years a few days ago. Turns out, of the 35 Emergency physicians working on "that service" 2 of them are epileptic. So yes, you can be whatever the hell you want to be in medicine with epilepsy.
The answer depends on how well controlled it is. If its well controlled on meds you won't have any issues. If it's poorly controlled, less likely. You can't be seizing in the call room alone on an overnight call during intern year while your patients are crashing on the wards.

Although I see it's a year old bumped post.
none.... just got my answers and wish I could delete

Deleting isn't cool, especially with a question like this.

You aren't the first and you won't be the last to have this very question. What is wonderful about this forum is that our conversations are not just ephemeral. We create enduring resources for future use by others who have these same questions. That is a reason that so many people whose time is quite valuable are willing to spend it here, answering and helping one another. We aren't just helping one anonymous OP at a time, but also everyone who comes along after.

Thank you for asking. Thank you for doing it anonymously, so that your identity can be safe and you can be candid. And thank you for not trying to delete this thread.
Further information about
Becoming a Doctor with Epilepsy.

note: best initial communication, is private message through facebook.
At the age of 3 1/2 (40mo), was Diagnosed with Epilepsy CAUSED by Bleeding in my Brain !!
Doctors Regularly Give me LESS than 1hr to survive (6mo at best).

Having NO Seizures for several years,
I was ALMOST FULLY able to "hide" this problem
(only had Restrictions on Driver's License).
What is more, was TAKEN OFF ALL Medications for OVER 5 yrs.
Then the Seizures Returned.

Now, am NOT allowed ALMOST ALL Licenses. Including:
-Medical Training (ER Nurse ??); Doctor Assistant; Surgeon Assistant; Medical Technician
-Handling of Hazardous Goods; Working in Hazardous Environments;
-Driver's Licenses (Yes, Plural)

Current Problems:
Biggest, is my Seizures.
--Have FULL-GMs about every 6 weeks.
--Medications: Doses; Conflicts; Side Effects; Legalization; Toxicity.
--What I am NOT Allowed to do, and what is left ??

Other Problems Include:
--When admitted to Hospitals, am OFTEN GIVEN under 1hr to LIVE.
--Financial Abilities (not allowed to work).
--AGE (Yes, it is a big one.) - Am NOW nearing Regular Retirement age
--Many people (including doctors) think I am UNDER 35yrs old !!

Current Abilities (Actual):
Good Fitness; Fully Mobile; Coaching/Trainer up to Olympic Levels;
Underwater Diving (completely on my own); Mountain Climber (ALSO: Completely on my own);
Administering Medical Treatment in Emergencies & AS-Needed to self.
Further information about
Becoming a Doctor with Epilepsy.

note: best initial communication, is private message through facebook.
At the age of 3 1/2 (40mo), was Diagnosed with Epilepsy CAUSED by Bleeding in my Brain !!
Doctors Regularly Give me LESS than 1hr to survive (6mo at best).

Having NO Seizures for several years,
I was ALMOST FULLY able to "hide" this problem
(only had Restrictions on Driver's License).
What is more, was TAKEN OFF ALL Medications for OVER 5 yrs.
Then the Seizures Returned.

Now, am NOT allowed ALMOST ALL Licenses. Including:
-Medical Training (ER Nurse ??); Doctor Assistant; Surgeon Assistant; Medical Technician
-Handling of Hazardous Goods; Working in Hazardous Environments;
-Driver's Licenses (Yes, Plural)

Current Problems:
Biggest, is my Seizures.
--Have FULL-GMs about every 6 weeks.
--Medications: Doses; Conflicts; Side Effects; Legalization; Toxicity.
--What I am NOT Allowed to do, and what is left ??

Other Problems Include:
--When admitted to Hospitals, am OFTEN GIVEN under 1hr to LIVE.
--Financial Abilities (not allowed to work).
--AGE (Yes, it is a big one.) - Am NOW nearing Regular Retirement age
--Many people (including doctors) think I am UNDER 35yrs old !!

Current Abilities (Actual):
Good Fitness; Fully Mobile; Coaching/Trainer up to Olympic Levels;
Underwater Diving (completely on my own); Mountain Climber (ALSO: Completely on my own);
Administering Medical Treatment in Emergencies & AS-Needed to self.
This sounds like one of those shady "doctors hate him!" kind of posts on FB...