can someone explain how waitlists and may 15th works?

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running thru dandelions
7+ Year Member
20+ Year Member
May 5, 2003
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so here's my question....if you have to accept/decline a school's offer of acceptance by may 15th, then what about waitlists? i mean, what if you get off of one past that date, can you still decline the acceptance for the other school at that point? how does this work then? :confused:

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out of your acceptances you pick one on 5.15

however you can still be on waitlists cause they are not acceptances. now once a school on a waitlist calls you, you gotta make the decision right then and then decline your acceptance at the place you are holding one at immediately.

i think its good that you let the school you are still waiting for know that you are still very interested in going to their school and not to throw your app away cause you've been accepted elsewhere.