Can you still apply to medical school with a B average cGPA and sGPA?

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May 31, 2022
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Can you still get into a medical school with a B average GPA?

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Welcome to the forums.

While important, the process requires more than just a strong GPA. We don't know about the other qualities you have that makes you a strong candidate and future physician.

That said you need to learn to close the deal. I can imagine you saying you missed passing a medical school class by one or two questions and now you have to repeat the semester. Stop making the near-miss a habit or an excuse.
Not sure what you’re looking for here. Has it been done before? Sure. Did those people most likely have an X factor, top mcat score or something that causes the admissions committee to want that student anyway? Yep. It’s probably very rare, but sure.

If you’re someone who falls into that category—good for you and I’d go for it. If you don’t and you’re basing your decision to spend thousand of dollars to apply to med school on the hopes there’s a “miracle”…. Well that’s a different story.
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