Canadian Applicant for USA med schools

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Jul 17, 2024
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Hello, I am looking for information from others about a Canadian applicants applying to USA med schools. Which schools do you know of or have been accepted to that are Canadian friendly.

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Hi, and thank you for responding. We don't have prehealth advisors in Canada like you do in the USA. I do have access to MSAR. So I can sort to the schools that accept Canadians students. But I am wanting to know from real applicants or other Canadian students at USA medical schools what their experience has been. I realize our stats are different. But I still want to know their experience on the difficulty. What schools are more Canadian friendly? I find even if they say they accept Canadians, they don't.
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Hi, and thank you for responding. We don't have prehealth advisors in Canada like you do in the USA. I do have access to MSAR. So I can sort to the schools that accept Canadians students. But I am wanting to know from real applicants or other Canadian students at USA medical schools what their experience has been. I realize our stats are different. But I still want to know their experience on the difficulty. What schools are more Canadian friendly? I find even if they say they accept Canadians, they don't.
Sure, so on the MSAR first select for the schools that accept international applicants.
You can then click Acceptance Data on the left menu and scroll down to a black-and-white chart that is titled Matriculation Data for First year Class.
That chart shows how many international students were interviewed and how many matriculated.
Last of all, scroll down to the US map and see what countries are in their class.
Using Michigan State as an example, they matriculated 3 international students, all from Canada.
If a school has matriculated zero, move on.

Start with the schools near the Canadian border.
It's a bit of searching for you but worth your time. You could do it in an afternoon.