CAP Boards

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Meep Meep Meep
10+ Year Member
Feb 2, 2011
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If you took child boards, how did you study? Any recs?

If others are in a beat the boards group or whatnot, would you mind sharing the code? It's only appealing because of the lectures but ugh I can't stomach paying that much.

Other option was to use board vitals and prites.

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I'm not sure what question bank is considered best these days, I did board vitals and felt it was fairly good. Prites were the real money though, our program accumulated them year to year from chief to chief and I probably had 6-7 years that I reviewed. I had seen maybe 20% of the questions almost verbatim on the boards just by doing that review. If you did well on adult and like CAP you will absolutely crush the boards. I don't know any fellow who did worse on CAP than adult except for people who didn't actually like CAP but did the fellowship for other reasons. Developmental stage questions do suck a bit if you have not yet had kids yourself, but can be learned pretty easily.
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Yeah I'd just use boardvitals and review old PRITEs once or twice. You'll do fine if you did well on adult boards and do some review.

Development is pretty high yield you're sure to have a bunch of question about this. In terms of both developmental milestone (gross motor, fine motor, speech, language, cognition) and theories/ideas (Erikson, Freud, Piaget, Bowlby, Kohlberg, etc). So I'd make sure to review those for sure.

This is a good developmental milestone overview, it might actually be a little detailed but overall lays it out well:
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