Other Cardiology: advanced cardiac imaging

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5+ Year Member
Nov 20, 2017
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Hello everyone

I am currently a second-year cardiology fellow at a university program. I am on a J1 visa and by the time I graduate, I am hoping to be Echo, Nuclear and CT certified. I wanted to get everyone's thoughts on advanced cardiac imaging as an additional year of fellowship. I intend to work in a non-academic setting but I am open to the idea of working in academics if that means decent work and life balance with not so crappy salary. With me being on a J1 visa and having to go through a J1 waiver, there's a good chance that I may end up at a place where I may not be exposed to as much advanced imaging as I would like. What do you guys reckon is the best strategy going forward, should I do advanced imaging and hope that I land a decent gig during waivership where I may or may not be in academics but at least be able to apply that additional year worth of hard work or do I just go with three board certification and look for waiver jobs.

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