I put Sinus tach for the IL2 questions. I also put long QT. The P waves were very present and it was before the QRS.
For the breast cancer patient I put hypercalcemia.
The a flutter I believe you also need to code the 2:1.
I also only had two grafts, one was a vein to the circ system (coded occluded circ also), but that one was so annoying because it also had collaterals and you couldn’t code anything else or where it was going. The other graft was just a stump so I coded occluded graft but I did NOT code where it was grafted to (yes it came off the right seemingly but who knows if it’s a graft to the RPDA or LPDA or jump graft or whatever; because you have no idea where it’s going, I only coded the graft). I did not have any LIMA questions. The thing that annoys me is when they give you a stent with like a 99% lesion, do you code it as occluded or patent?? We had one in the LAD on the exam.
The ECG with the sensing issues was a KILLER. To me, that one definitely had a sinus rhythm (I believe it may have been bradycardia), however, the PR intervals to the non-paced beats were not 100% constant and they were long (like 450-550 ms) so I didn’t want to code that there was a heart block because you legitimately can’t determine it. So I coded it as junctional escape complexes. There was also LVH on that one.