Career as reproductive endocrinologist?

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7+ Year Member
Jul 31, 2015
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Hello, so I've been more and more interested in Endocrinology as my intern year comes closer to an end and reproductive endocrinology has appealed to me very much. Is there a way, IM trained Endo fellow can get into that? By that I mean female/male infertility.
Or is this exclusively OBGYN field?

Thank you

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Hello, so I've been more and more interested in Endocrinology as my intern year comes closer to an end and reproductive endocrinology has appealed to me very much. Is there a way, IM trained Endo fellow can get into that? By that I mean female/male infertility.
Or is this exclusively OBGYN field?

Thank you
That’s obgyn. Other than the name and reproductive hormones, there’s not a whole lot of similarities between endocrinology and REI.
You'll manage Amenorrhea, Hypogonadism, and endocrinological diseases which cause infertility. You will assist with management of hypogonadotrophic reproductive issues. But you won't find any Endo fellowship that will train you in how to do IVF, egg retrieval, etc. There's a very large line between the specialties. REI is a procedural specialty. Endocrinology is a medical specialty. REI refers to endo to manage the medical endocrinology.

I get plenty of consults for women having abnormal periods and having difficulty getting pregnant. But I treat their thyroid disease, prolactinomas, and PCOS.