Nephrology as a discipline is wonderful and highly intellectual . As an IM / Nephro / Pulm / Crit and eventual Obesity Medicine diplomat / future diplomat , I must say the renal part of things really makes me the “glue person” on difficult cases . Plus my cross integration of ultrasound into all of my specialties drives the bulk of my writing / publications and is a fertile field to write about in the renal domain . Search my previous posts .
However, I pay my bills through other means aside from my physician revenue stream so I am fortunate in that way . Not everyone else is as lucky .
But if money is no issue then do nephrology at a large academic institution and you won’t regret it . HD , CRRt , biopsies , PD , etc .
Hands on procedures get tiresome after a while . Trust me on this one . Though I’m not speaking from a “make every cent “ perspectives
Do renal if you love the specialty (and want to be an academician )
Don’t do it because you couldn’t getting into another more lucrative specialty and think you’ll strike it big as a community private physician who triples the patient volume and delivers 1/3 the care