case western interview!!

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Feb 7, 2008
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hello everyone!

i received a letter from case western telling me to call them within 10 days to schedule an interview... anyone else get this?

i am extremely excited because this is my first interview request :D!! and to those who thought they had a strict GPA cutoff, my sub-cutoff GPA still slipped through so keep hopes up.

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Yep! I got one too prydA... I'm going to give them a call on Monday to set the date.

This was my first interview request too and I'm pumped because Case is one of my top choices!!

congrats. you guys should check out the "official interview 2009 cycle thread" at the top of this forum. that's where everyone is posting their interviews.
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congrats first of all, I am over seas and I am planning on getting an interview from them as well....did you only get it in the mail or also email cuz i wont know if i got an interview or not and if you have to tell them within 10 days im screwed...what do you guys suggest doing??? I get back aug 13th
it's in the mail, and you have 10 days from receipt. so you should get someone to check your mail out for you. then you call them and set it up.
hey everyone.....congrats on the case interviews....just a heads up on the interview. Both me and my wife were accepted to case in the last cycle....we are going to OSU though (not because case is a bad school, but because OSU is much cheaper). But anyway, i wouldn't stay too far east of the school just because it's a pretty bad part of town (we didn't know that until we got there). The interview is pretty relaxed so don't worry too much about that. You will be interviewed by two people. You just sit in this little room until you are called in to be interviewed. They are all really nice. I would look up information specific to their school (they have lots of cool programs that they are proud of) in order to bring up questions and let them know that you actually know something about their school (they seemed to like that when my wife and i interviewed there). If you have any other questions you can feel free to write me a personal message and i'll try to answer what i can. good luck!!!
Even if there was a strict GPA cut-off, I would sure hope you are invited to interview with those amazing DAT scores... Congrats :)
Congrats...I also have interview at Case.

Yes, u have the top score!! Amazing!!

BTW, I am really impressed at ur bio score--->30 WOW!
Hey pryda I just got the interview letter and Im a UCI alumni too. Do i know you? haha congrats
maybe rawknee lol. we have very similar stats, so i hope you get in! i graduated in 07
graduated '08. yeah i dont think i've ever even seen anyone with scores like yours. you could easily stay in california yet you applied to more schools than me (and i thought i was applying to too many). whatever works tho good luck
i chose the schools to apply to before i took the dat cuz of my gpa... yeah thats why haha
I just got an interview invitation to case as well, but it's scheduled for January....... I can't figure out why it's so late :confused:.............. The office of admissions assured me the interview was for a primary seat in the class, not the waitlist.........
its because they are only interviewing 3 ppl a day... haha
Last year a lot of people got in after the Dec. 1st mail outs. Because the previous year Case over accepted they were really cautious as to accepting people early and slowly mailed out acceptances. That is probably why they told you your interview was for a primary seat in the class even though it's post Dec. 1st. I wouldn't worry too much because if it is anything like last year they will be accepting well into the year. Good luck at your interviews.
Okay so it says on on-line the following (regarding Case):

status: invite for interview

status defined: interview pending-primary

So is this a good thing or are they still considering me for an interview based on the word "pending"?

I know I think I am reading too much into this but humor me!!!
Sounds like you have been invited for an interview, but it is pending because you have not set up a date yet.
Sounds like you have been invited for an interview, but it is pending because you have not set up a date yet.

But don't they need to send me a letter or an e-mail telling me who to contact to set up the interview?