CBSE - when to start UWorld?

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5+ Year Member
Feb 23, 2019
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I've been chugging away at Pathoma as I'm trying to get a good foundation before I jump into any question banks. I am also doing Duke's alongside it. When should I start UWorld? Should I get through all of Pathoma first before starting or just go ahead and start the question bank. I feel like I would understand the concepts a lot better if they were put into perspective via case vignettes. However, I don't want to be in over my head by jumping the gun on UWorld too early.

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I agree, start earlier and pick a certain amount to do and review each day. You want it to be realistic for the long run. I would start smaller so you still have time to study using other resources each day.
I personally would start doing them by system/subject so you can build your knowledge in that area. You can even do it along with whatever area you are studying in pathoma/sketchy/first aid/etc. Then when you are closer to your exam date switch to randomized of all systems.
It never hurts to start Uworld earlier but can hurt to start too late.