Cell Molecular vs Microbiology

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Jun 24, 2015
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Some schools like Colorado, Houston, NOVA and Kentucky have 1 semester of microbiology as a pre-requisite. Is it possible to take cell molecular instead or are the two courses completely different?

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Completely different courses. Cell biology focuses on things going on inside the cell, how vesicles form and are transported around, cellular signaling etc. Molecular biology focuses on transcription, translation, gene regulation etc.

Microbiology is really broad but covers different types of microorganisms, the diseases they cause, etc.
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Completely different courses. Cell biology focuses on things going on inside the cell, how vesicles form and are transported around, cellular signaling etc. Molecular biology focuses on transcription, translation, gene regulation etc.

Microbiology is really broad but covers different types of microorganisms, the diseases they cause, etc.

They also require (or recommend) Biochemistry which is different than everything @russelldw accurately mentioned.