Cervical RF Scheduling Question

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Jul 27, 2006
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Just did RF of R TON, C3, C4 MBs on a Medicare patient and that side is doing well. He is now having more pain on the left (same levels). I'm having a brain fart here - can I proceed with the left sided MBBs/RF at the same level now, or do I need to wait 6 months?

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just need to wait 10 days to treat the other side
Proceed.. will have to wait a year to reburn but hopefully will last longer. You may need to eat two weeks since the last burn.. maybe someone can clarify
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you can do it now (assuming it has been 10 days). you cannot do more CS RFA for 12 months then however (2 sessions per year per section of spine)
Thanks everyone for the input - that is exactly how I recall it now. I can do the other side but then no repeat RF in C spine for 12 months.
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