Challenge/ Failure Essay Topic

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Feb 19, 2015
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Is an essay about how I failed Organic Chem the first time and then aced it too cliche of a topic for a challenge/ failure essay...

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Yes. AND these lousy subject for these essays...they tell me school is your entire life.

Well,s chool isn’t my entire life, but I haven’t had too many challenges other than academics and this medical school process...
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Is an essay about how I failed Organic Chem the first time and then aced it too cliche of a topic for a challenge/ failure essay...
Depends on what you say about it. Are you self-aware enough to know why you failed? What insight did you gain? What changed the second time? What strategy will you use so it won't happen again? I am not asking you to to answer these questions, but am hoping some will be addressed in the essay.
@Catalystik @Goro Not sure if this would work either but during my 2nd year of college I tried to join our schools Pre-medical Fraternity (Phi Delta Epsilon) and was rejected, but the reason I want to include this is because it was after this event happened that I began to turn my academics around as well as my social life. Started my own organization after this event and started my upward trend. Just let me know if this is just as bad as a failing grade lol
@Catalystik @Goro Not sure if this would work either but during my 2nd year of college I tried to join our schools Pre-medical Fraternity (Phi Delta Epsilon) and was rejected, but the reason I want to include this is because it was after this event happened that I began to turn my academics around as well as my social life. Started my own organization after this event and started my upward trend. Just let me know if this is just as bad as a failing grade lol
While being rejected by a frat seems a superficial cause for significant angst, it sounds like it resulted in a comprehensive level of introspection with a wide degree of change that has significantly impacted your ability to achieve your goals.
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While being rejected by a frat seems a superficial cause for significant angst, it sounds like it resulted in a more comprehensive level of introspection with a wider degree if change that has significantly impacted your ability to achieve your goals. I like this potential essay better.
Still a SUPER first-world problem tho.
Well,s chool isn’t my entire life, but I haven’t had too many challenges other than academics and this medical school process...
This isn't a passive thing. You simply haven't challenged yourself enough.
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Depends on what you say about it. Are you self-aware enough to know why you failed? What insight did you gain? What changed the second time? What strategy will you use so it won't happen again? I am not asking you to to answer these questions, but am hoping some will be addressed in the essay.

I think I’m now aware of why I failed.... more than just poor study skills but my first attempt, I was young and too immature. I was too afraid to admit that I needed help and too embrassed to ask for it.
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@Catalystik @excalibur24 The other obvious one i could do would be my health-related problems, being born premature, having a hypoplastic lung, etc but I already zoned in on that in my personal statement, I feel like being rejected from the fraternity was a turning point in my collegiate career and could give some context for my steep upward trend (last 100 units were a 3.988) after this event, ultimately its all about how I present it in essay form
@Catalystik @excalibur24 The other obvious one i could do would be my health-related problems, being born premature, having a hypoplastic lung, etc but I already zoned in on that in my personal statement, I feel like being rejected from the fraternity was a turning point in my collegiate career and could give some context for my steep upward trend (last 100 units were a 3.988) after this event, ultimately its all about how I present it in essay form
Do the frat essay and see if you like how it turns out.
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@Catalystik @excalibur24 The other obvious one i could do would be my health-related problems, being born premature, having a hypoplastic lung, etc but I already zoned in on that in my personal statement, I feel like being rejected from the fraternity was a turning point in my collegiate career and could give some context for my steep upward trend (last 100 units were a 3.988) after this event, ultimately its all about how I present it in essay form
I concur that this is a First World problem.
You're going to have to do better.
Currently debating on what to write for a failure essay. During my freshman year, I quit my Spanish second major because I was afraid it would bring down my GPA and didn't think I'd ever really be able to speak and listen well. I now consider that a big failure-- I gave up a great opportunity to better myself because of my fear. I now work at a free clinic and I often help with translations. I do pretty well, but I know I could have been even better had I taken a little more risk. Do you all think that with sufficient reflection, this might be a good topic?