Chances for interview at UCSD if placed on hold

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Jul 2, 2004
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Does anyone know what the chances of getting an interview are once you are placed on hold at UCSD. Are interview holds just a nice way to say "better luck next time" or does it depend on the school

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i think in general it's a "don't hold your breath" kind of thing
j0ker918 said:
Does anyone know what the chances of getting an interview are once you are placed on hold at UCSD. Are interview holds just a nice way to say "better luck next time" or does it depend on the school

Were you placed on hold? When?
j0ker918 said:
Does anyone know what the chances of getting an interview are once you are placed on hold at UCSD. Are interview holds just a nice way to say "better luck next time" or does it depend on the school

I was put on hold for an interview, later interviewed, put on the waitlist, and gutted it out until post-June 15th where I was subsequently put in the acceptable pool...Hey, I just rec'd my rejection letter this week 6 weeks after I started at COMP. They explained that the class was full. While it brought closure, it also brought agony, well...short-lived agony anyway.

UCSD was my dream school in my dream permanent location. Hang in there because UCSD apparently experiences a ton of movement. It is funny to watch on these boards how many people struggle with the UCSD vs (UCLA, UCSF, UCI, Harvard, etc.) just watch and wait and hope they decide to go to the more prestigous school. I know 2 people (as in I know them by their posts on SDN) that deferred for a year at the very last minute so if you can stomach it and hold out I would say you have a shot...assuming, of course, you made an interview and were waitlisted rather than outrightly accepted.

Anyway, best of luck to you guys. The hold for the interview seemed very common and I wouldn't read into it very much...I don't know if they get backlogged or what, but they seem to pick things up again and you'll have your day in court as they say.
